How many days y'all? (Part 1)

You’re right. I know what I truly want & that’s being sober, so staying sober another day will literally always be the answer! I have a therapist & a psychiatrist. I’m going through some horrible, scary, traumatic shit rn though. I stopped taking almost all my medication for months bc I make poor decisions. I’m happy to say that I’ve been trying my very hardest to take ALL my medication daily lately & it’s actually been going really well for me. My anti-depressant cures my depression. My seizure medication keeps me seizure-free. My nightmare medication prevents awful, vivid nightmares. My asthma medication helps me breathe so much better. I was wrong to stop so many medications that actually work for me.


Fantastic job Crystal!!! that’s awesome work - 60 days!


Glad you were able to re-introduce the medications.
Hey - sometimes we don’t realize how well the medications are really working until we stop them. A lot of stuff going on for you my friend - just stay positive and do remember that things will get better. You are handling life on life’s terms fully sober - Super amazing work!


Thank you! I’m so clear headed now. It’s amazing!



aside from the support here and in meetings, i also told myself i was allowed to buy more pokémon cards when i had 30 days, which was a good little push lol


I am 83 days sober. Things in my life are already getting better. I just started this app today. Trying different things like zoom meetings. Joining groups that dont necessarily have to do with being sober but people have to be sober to attend helps me. Congrats on your 30 days.


1,333 Days



Happy day 3
Good morning people, another day sober, trying to stay focused


Wish you the best. I’m on my 3rd day, too.
Keep staying strong :slight_smile: :muscle: :sun_with_face: :sunflower:


Welcome to the Talking Sober (TS) community! It’s such a wonderful resource for all sorts of support, information, and connection. It sounds like you have a good game plan in place for yourself. Hope to see you around and engaging!


Yep, with help from this community we are making it! I am on day 4 and counting!


Rock on Katie! The beginning is difficult so do keep checking in.
:clap: :muscle:


Im 124.65 days sober


Keep up the great work

10 days sober. Last week met a young man who voiced 8 years and 15 days sober. I immediately thought to myself surprised he did not add 4 hours 30 minutes and 15 seconds. When I celebrated 8 days. I asked God for forgiveness and said sorry to myself for mocking this person while he is truly rejoicing. Let me just say when I hit 8 years 15 days sober you bet I am going to hours, minutes and seconds.

To all celebrating years, months, days, hours and minutes …Big Congratulations! Personally I know how hard it is to stay sober.


11 days and feeling proud. Not made it this long before without relapsing. Taking it 1 day at a time. Trying to keep busy and creating new routines and structure around the time I would normally sit down with a few drinks each day.
Well done everyone - whatever stage you have reached keep on going!



The beginning will always be more difficult! You’re making an extreme transition. You literally just quit something you’re completely addicted to. You’re having tons of cravings. You’re either having tons of nightmares or you can’t sleep at all. You’re trying to start your life all over again. You feel lost. You feel alone. You’re depressed. You’re anxious. You have to learn healthy coping skills. You have to make sober friends. You feel extremely sick. You have to find a therapist. You have find a psychiatrist. You have to start medication. You have to find support groups. You have to find a recovery coach. I mean, I could go on & on. You understand. I don’t like when elders tell newbies that it gets harder later on! I remember hearing that in meetings & it didn’t help me at all! It scared me. Here I was going through hell & someone was telling me that everything was gonna get worse later on. Not only is that not true, but it did the opposite of motivate me to stay clean. It made me feel hopeless & defeated. I felt like I had nothing to look forward to. I’m always so, so proud of newbies, especially when they hit 30 days. Now, that’s truly amazing. 24 hours is harder than 24 years. :woman_shrugging:t2:


@tailee17 10 day
@Ellie35 1 days
@JayP 13.27 days
Absolutely amazing work guys!!! It truly is one day at a time and you are making great progress. I totally agree with @XXIX that the beginning is the most difficult (although I guess I’ve never made it this far before – just know that even at 5ish months it is so much easier than the first few weeks). Now I do have more tools to assist me with my recovery – have new routines (figured out how to survive without my doc’s)