How many days y'all? (Part 1)

this has felt like the longest 30 days of my life, but feeling proud that i stuck it out


awe - you made my day!



@JazzyS :slightly_smiling_face:.

Two weeks. I have had an argument at the end of the day and that’s really triggering for me. I ate almost a half chocolate tablet. Pray for me I calm down and process everything in a healthy way


Welcome @tailee17 this is an amazing sober community! I hope you read lots and post more when you are comfortable :slight_smile:

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Congrats on 30 days @pippin !!! Thats a big milestone. What has helped you get this far?


That can be super triggering? Who are you arguing with? Can you explain to them that the arguing is very triggering? Are you able to avoid this person?
If you are not able to avoid - can you come up with a safe word you can use when arguing begins to let them know to back off.
Its rough i know - im over 1.5 yrs from cigarettes and arguing causes an instant switch in my mind to flip and the cravings start again. I am in more control now with doing deep breathing and popping a gum to have something to chomp on.
Wishing you strength my friend. I do hope it gets better- you are doing such awesome work - keep fighting for you.


Proud of you, Tailee. 9 days is huge bc the beginning is so hard! Focus on today only. Thinking about never using again is far too overwhelming & frustrating for us. One of the best tools I have in my recovery tool box is taking it one day at a time. It truly does wonders for my recovery & many, many other addicts’ recoveries. :slightly_smiling_face: I’m very grateful to have learned this method.


1,332 Days



ABSOLUTELY Remarkable! Keep up the amazing work Alex. :muscle: :clap:


Thank you, Jazzy. I am so depressed though. I want to die sober, but what’s the point of being sober if life sucks anyway? I guess I know the answer to this. I’m just feeling very pessimistic & sad…

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Oh sweetheart - I am so sorry to hear this.
Have you considered doing therapy or talking with a doctor to try to get you on something that would help with depression?
Have you had your physical lately? Make sure you aren’t dealing with any deficiencies? It sucks being in a rut and dealing with recovery. That stupid Motherf’ing addict brain is the one making you ask what’s the point of being sober — You do know the answer! You deserve a happy life. You deserve it to be clean and sober and healthy (mentally and physically). You are tacking on great sober days so hopefully your physical health is improving.
We are here to talk to but I would recommend a professional. Loads of love my friend. :people_hugging: :heart:



You’re right. I know what I truly want & that’s being sober, so staying sober another day will literally always be the answer! I have a therapist & a psychiatrist. I’m going through some horrible, scary, traumatic shit rn though. I stopped taking almost all my medication for months bc I make poor decisions. I’m happy to say that I’ve been trying my very hardest to take ALL my medication daily lately & it’s actually been going really well for me. My anti-depressant cures my depression. My seizure medication keeps me seizure-free. My nightmare medication prevents awful, vivid nightmares. My asthma medication helps me breathe so much better. I was wrong to stop so many medications that actually work for me.


Fantastic job Crystal!!! that’s awesome work - 60 days!


Glad you were able to re-introduce the medications.
Hey - sometimes we don’t realize how well the medications are really working until we stop them. A lot of stuff going on for you my friend - just stay positive and do remember that things will get better. You are handling life on life’s terms fully sober - Super amazing work!


Thank you! I’m so clear headed now. It’s amazing!



aside from the support here and in meetings, i also told myself i was allowed to buy more pokémon cards when i had 30 days, which was a good little push lol


I am 83 days sober. Things in my life are already getting better. I just started this app today. Trying different things like zoom meetings. Joining groups that dont necessarily have to do with being sober but people have to be sober to attend helps me. Congrats on your 30 days.