Day 11 here. Bad cravings yesterday and had to ‘get out of my own way’ by getting out of the house quickly and going for a walk. It worked. Not hungover today for my son’s birthday. So happy and proud about that.
1,583 day ones.
Right on! It’s just the best when we suit&lace up and show up. Proud you should be, friend.
1,584 day ones.
118…not quite as impressive as you guys but after 12 years clean then a 6 month relapse on alcohol the sun is starting to truly shine again. Thanks for all of you guys for the motivation!!!
118 is awesome girl! Each day sober is a day won – you just keep being proud of your accomplishments
122 … days … sober.
I’m a happy girl.
You’ve got this
That’s amazing hun. So happy for you! 🫶🏼:v:
90 days sober and feeling so much better. Life is good.
Last day of Jan with 26 days in the bank, literally and figuratively.
Feeling great and hitting gym for a couple more hours this morning.
Way to go @Liz22 on the 90 day milestone!!! Keep up the good work
Congratulations on your 3 months …this is a wonderful accomplishment
Keep going strong
34 days done. The crazy has quietened inside myself. Some contentedness appears.
Was just writing in my journal, my racing mind at night when trying to sleep has quieted immensely the past few nights. As well as how I’m feeling comfortable and content with myself…
Hopefully this is a side affect that continues for us.
Congrats on the day 34… nicely done
Thanks Nick, here’s hoping!
fantastic work with all your day one’s Alex – i absolutely love that image
Please don’t be sorry. All of us have relapsed. I sure have plenty of times. I’ve relapsed at 2 years once, 1 year twice, & many other times when I had months, weeks, or days clean.
How are you doing today?
What website is this?