How many people are in the Medical field?

Well, reading the doctors reports now the patient has NOT been tested yet. It’s a lung patient who presents with something similar to corona. Could be the flu. Is in isolation now and will be tested tomorrow. That’s how stories come into being… Told me colleague off just now.


I have just been told there is one case of the virus in Hereford so hereford have shut all doc surgeries.

I work as a nurse in the mental health field at a smaller hospital in Massachusetts. Currently we have no known cases. Unsettling times.

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Not in the medical field but I work in a small residential care home that cares for adults with learning disabilities and some mental health problems.
Our home is now closed to visitors.
I’m really worried about one resident in particular, he has had all manner of respiratory illnesses over the years and is due to being moved to a palliative care setting in the next few weeks.
For a start I don’t know if that move will be going ahead now (our home can not cater for his needs for much longer, it’s been a very sad on going issues but for him, he needs to be moved on) and we have a staff team of 6, everyone coming and going days at a time. Any one of us could be bringing it into the building.

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The bald head looks good on you!!!

But should the stache come off too so you can be properly fitted for a mask if needed?

Stay safe out there. Paramedics are the absolute front line. :heart:

I’m in health regulation so not out there exposed to the virus. Thank you all for taking care of people in this uncertain time. Please make sure you take good care of your physical and mental health.

I guess it’s the big staches tgat go wide that is an issue. But the policy at my work is if you want to get a fit test you have to be clean and stay clean.

Respiratory Therapist.


Just finished five 12s in a row. Have had 1 positive intubated and shipped to larger hospital in our system. Many rules out negative. We will be able to ventilate 6 max. Minnesota


Medical Practice Administrator. I, at the moment, am not in clinic. My new clinic in Dallas was forced to halt construction due to CO-VID 19. We work primarily with the elder Medicare population, the underserved, and the disabled. Our Northern clinics are still fully operating, but on strict protocol. Due to the immunocompromised and delicate population that we serve, we have linked with all local hospital organizations to provide swift transfer if a patient is showing symptoms. We are offering TeleHealth to be of service to our patients and lower the risk of infection.