How much did you spend per month on Alcohol?

I would be saving 130-150€ of alcohol every month, for context my food budget is between 150-200, but yea not gonna feel sorry for myself, Yea it was terrible and I was ruining my life but that’s in past. New beginnings. Never going back again.
Just a query, How much you guys were spending on alcohol per month?


Welcome @Asifity this fantastic community has been an amazing asset in my recovery.

After 20 years of progressive, problem drinking, It took more to have an effect on me. In the USA, and id spend $150-200/ week so $800/month. It got out of control for sure

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It’s funny you ask this question. I was just looking at my sober time app tracker this morning and couldn’t believe it when it said I saved over $105K since getting sober in 2019. I entered a conservative $60 per day but that’s not just alcohol. It includes cocaine too. It’s mind boggling how I was able to maintain that kind of spending. But so happy I never have to spend another penny on poisoning my body.

Welcome to the forum @Asifity and congrats on making the best decision for your life.


I am happy for you, Sometimes when you’re addicted to something you don’t even realize how much you spend on it, you’re just too addicted to care abt anything else but good to know you’re in better place now. :heart::heart:


Well I can’t get into amounts because it was always different lol. Depending on the day. I was a bartender for a long time. I’ll just tell you, people gave me the nickname Generous John when were out together. I wasn’t always just buying for me. My addiction was a lonely one so I had to have friends to share with :man_facepalming: lol
Man I was a fricken idiot. All the money I could have had today. Glad you’re here brother


I was spending at least 3- 4 grand a month and aroumd 300 in oxy a month .