I’m 23 days clean & still having physical withdrawal It comes @ random… Unless I’m pregnant This would evidently not be a good time for that! Has anyone else been ill for this long after not using… + It started over a week into my sobriety. The many times that I have quit before, I have not ever had physical withdrawal, just the mental stuff.
My alcohol withdrawals lasted about 30 days. Nightly sweats, twitchy mouth, anxiety, headaches. I’ve tried multiple times to stay sober in the past and failed. I felt like the withdrawals lasted a longer this time. Hang in there. It should get better.
Awe, thanks I needed the comfort that this wasn’t just me. Congratulations on making it so long! Keep up the great work too!
I’m sorry to say but it sounds like fetynal I’ve been through it before as well and it sucks but there is a light at the end of that tunnel just keep at it
You’re right. It was Fentanyl. I thought it was just coke & crack (clean for its breed) but it was laced with Fentanyl & Heroin. Found out when I OD’d & the hospital drew blood to inform me of what I was actually doing.
Shit is everywhere no one is safe I wouldn’t be surprised if certain venders put that shit in coffee grounds to keep you coming back lol
NO DOUBT I certainly thought that about Tim Hortons!
I think I was physically sick for the first 2 months no joke……at 90 days I felt like I was finally having clear thoughts again and woke up feeling “normal”/“good”. Keep pushing forward, everyday your body is getting healthier and stronger without all that crap we used to put in our bodies. Proud of you keep up the good work!!! Bossing up and changing your life is not some easy task!!! You rock!!! 🫶🏼:rainbow:
Only we ourselves can take care of what needs to be taken care of and us as a fellowship is gonna be the strongest weapon against active addiction possible
Absolutely it took me almost two months to get that ish out of my system and it came to a huge surprise for me to find out just how much longer it takes to leave your system compared to H and while I was in detox I was already in withdrawal when I took my first soboxone and went into precipitated withdrawal from the fetynal still in me and that was HONESTLY THE WORST FEELING ON THIS EARTH and made a vow to myself once I got into sober living ( which I did called Oxford House) that I’d NEVER GO BACK TO THAT LIFE!!!
Keep it up its not easy, cus if it was, it wouldn’t be worth doing! A good healthy life has to be earned I believe and we have to fight tooth and nail to get it
Ever get a really bad sunburn? First there’s heat and pain, which fades over the first few days. Next comes the worst part (I think), the itching. It’s enough to drive one insane.
But what’s the itching? It’s the layer of skin least damaged starting to heal, which eventually becomes the outer layers of skin.
What you may be experiencing is that early healing. It can be uncomfortable, but soon enough, you will feel better, if you keep getting after it.
To each is own
That’s funny I just came back from up north and got some super bad sun burn on my legs!