How Shame is the Source - Brene Brown

Interesting for lots of us. :pray:t2:


Damn that’s one honest share bro… Talking about reflection. Backstreet would say “I like the way you work it”
Happy at least one of us had some fun watching :pray:t2:


I listened to this podcast the other day. Seemed kinda relevant

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To further @ThajokerNL backstreet sentiment, no diggity, no doubt.

My life sure became a lot more manageable and full of joy/happiness/contentment when I started doing more and more things that made me uncomfortable. Leaning into something that causes you a discomfort furthers you from the things that keep you shackled to your old reality.

We are human, we are not perfect, and that is okay.


(I just had to have Alexa play that now, lol)


Try, try and try again. I never get anything right the first time it seems and that kept me from trying to do a lot of things. I’m not a perfectionist but I am someone who likes to be proud of something I do and I don’t want participation ribbons for my efforts.

I’ve learned a lot about trying something and getting better at it in sobriety. Working on a craft. Reminds me of playing an instrument in elementary school. I was pretty good with a trumpet from the jump, I was the “first chair” lol, but I never worked on it and didn’t practice. So I was soon relegated to the 3rd chair and I hated it. I dropped trumpet and started baritone because I was better than the other guy at that. Guess I’ve been doing this for a long time now that I think about it. In the last 2 years of sobriety I’ve done something, fucked it up and did it again better many times… and I’ve gotten to the point where I enjoy that process instead of throwing it in the trash and moving onto something I have more natural ability with.

Sobriety has been a boon for me, I’m so much more of the person I always envisioned myself being, reacting better, being more proactive, more protective. All because I have tried and tried again.

And yes, it’s Blackstreet :rofl::joy: how did I not catch that, I’ve loved that jam for as long as it’s been around.


Hahahah I typed just blackstreet but then frkn autocorrect made me look like a fool :grin:


To clarify and without a doubt… And the song still kills it.


This was actually the first thing I ever heard or read from Brene (I saw the vulnerability one afterwards). It was brilliant. I’ve never forgotten it.


Backstreet boys where also killing it in my younger days. This one did the trick :smirk:


Even the silly music stuff :hugs:

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@nsavins4818. Check this one out!

Great share, I love reading her books.

I can recommend anyone to read “The power of vulnerability”. It has been such an eye opener for me. Very interesting indeed.


Brene Brown is my absolute hero!!! She has a new podcast coming out in March. I cannot wait