How should I count my progress

Thanks to all of those who wrote kind comments. I needed them. Thanks also to those who wrote not-so-kind comments, because it makes me understand your points. It probably was a mistake, in a way, to understand progress with alcohol rehabilitation in a different way than in the fully sober way, given the fact that the app is called Sober Time. I respect your take on the issue and I wish everyone the best. I won’t create any other post on that topic. I am very happy about my progress but I understand I don’t help many people here by sharing it. We all have our own journey, but we are all in the same boat, so let’s row together :slight_smile: . Wish you guys the best, we can do it!


This is very well put, thank you for sharing that x

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The force is strong in this one!

Nice one Jana. Very well said. And exactly how I feel.
I think wondering about whether we are “cured” is something that we all go through.
But is it really worth finding out?
The way I look at it is if you are doing the whole sober thing correctly, then it shouldn’t matter if you drink or not. Take control of your own life and don’t let others control who you are.


You’re very welcome and good luck to you in yours… :point_up::blush:

Moderation is something most of us have tried (and tried, and tried again!) Because it meant we didn’t have to deal with the fact that really we had an issue with drinking. But after a while the old habits creep back in.

If you are worried about how other people will react to you if you go to a boozy occasion and stay sober, honestly everyone is to start with. I think a big part of how other people react is how you deal with it. If people are used to you being out and only having a couple (which I assume doesn’t really have much of an effect?) once a month then would they even notice if you were to stop drinking entirely?

I think those of us with a problem with alcohol forget that other people care a lot less about how much we drink than we do! And maybe it is our problem with alcohol that makes us think other people will care more about how much we drink.