How to fill the time


Let me start by saying I am an extrovert. After becoming sober, I took to working out because it helped with those good feelings I crave and lowering my anxiety. However, I can’t work out every minute of everyday. I have trouble reading/journaling or watching tv because my anxiety and racing thoughts pick up quickly (non alcohol related thoughts which is good)
But what else can I do besides work out that will help with feeling good and anxiety?
I guess it’s not an alcohol related question because I’m not having any cravings to drink - I’m just not happy doing nothing and alcohol took up so much of my free time, I’m struggling to find new hobbies.
What has helped you all?


Hey Sara,

Do you have any hobbies/sports that you used to do that you might want to restart or is there something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?

Depends on your interests, maybe art, quilting, learn to crochet or macrame, meditation and yoga, jigsaw puzzles, study an online course, photography, listen to podcasts, cooking and learning new recipes, gardening, clean and declutter the house, create a vision board, volunteer work within the community… if you go to meetings maybe start making some friendships to enable socialising…
Some of these activities can be done at home or in a group setting if you’re anxiety isn’t holding you back from meeting some new people.

This old thread also has a tonne of ideas and suggestions :hugs:


I’ve walked a lot in nature, I still do :seedling: Nature is healing for me. Sometimes I just focus on what I see, but I also walk with good music on my ears ore a recovery podcast (like recovery elevator) to stay motivated.
I also read a lot of recovery books like “This naked mind” from Annie Grace.
I binge watched Netflix and tried some new hobbies. Some stick, some where boring :hugs:
Just explore! What did you like to do before the drinking took most of your time?

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What could you do for others??


Maybe look into classes you can take?

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Look up volunteering opportunities near you

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Learn. Take a class, learn a language or a new skill. Listen to educational podcasts. Study martial arts. Pray and/meditate. Working out builds the body. Learning builds the mind. Prayer/meditation builds the spirit. It takes three legs to support a stool. Build all three.

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I do outside, self driven projects regardless the weather. Lots of landscaping stuff, wood work, just all around make or update shit. It helps me.