How to get over past mistakes

I love that!!!

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One thing I would add is this path of drinking and / or addiction, though harming in many ways seems to teach things that many who have not gone through it can’t or won’t understand, empathy. I have noticed some people have not and probably never will forgive me / many of us, for our behaviours when drunk. Most people who do know, would most likely, because they / we / I know the distances your mind will go away from itself when inebriated. I look at myself the next day and am aghast at the things I’ve said and done. My own family call me Jekyl and Hyde. You aren’t you when you’re drunk. You are in the illest part of an illness… is one way to look at it…



I started my sobriety journey with a ton of shame. We can’t change our past, or ignore it. We shouldn’t dwell on it either. I choose to be proud of the steps I have taken, the changes I’ve made. Without exception, people have been supportive and proud of me. Wrecked relationships still remain that way, but they are still happy for me, and the improved life I am now living.


Really good perspective!

I can really relate to feeling those feelings but I’ve come to a place where I tell myself that I’m doing the right thing now and that is huge! I do my best to not let any of those thoughts stick and immediately turn to thoughts of I am not that person anymore. The way I also approach dealing with wrongs that I can’t correct is by living a “living amends” to all of the people including myself that I’ve hurt by staying sober one day at a time. Feelings do suck but they will at times be easier to handle then others. Good job reaching out here on this app, the people here have saved my life more than once. Welcome! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


That’s awesome @Trustine, thanks for posting this! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

I talk to a therapist who helps me with all of those feelings- regret, shame, disappointment. She assists me with understanding the feelings and how to cope the best I can. Sometimes I do better than other times
It is an ongoing process for me

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Thank you!! I love that positive thinking. Sometimes I can talk myself down. Other times they sneak up on me and I get sick to my stomach. It always passes but still. Thanks for all the support!


You’re welcome and I totally get it, they sneak up on me too lol