How to go through with quitting?

Hey there, its my first day on here.
Ive tried to quit smoking e-cigarettes over and over again. It just never worked for me. I hope that this time will be the time that finally gets me away from smoking.
Ill be moving soon and decided to not take my e-cigarette me to my new place hoping that itll be a fresh start.


Hey, it’s my first day here too. I think that will help, I flushed all of my stuff doesn’t the toilet.


@RainEliza we have a thread to follow . It may help.
Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2)

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Plenty of places you can buy them so not taking them dosnt mean you wont want them . look at tailee17 suggestion wish you well

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Smoking, for me, is mental. It’sa break, relaxing, thoughtless. Quitting requires determination and constant choice. All the times I would smoke or puff on an ecig or just holding it in my hand was, in a way, therapeutic. Sometimes replacing it with something else helps. But for me I have to really want to quit for it to work out. It’s more than just saying it, it’s actively stopping.
That’s my two cents anyway. Good luck!:four_leaf_clover::+1:t5:

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