How to make friends when sober with social anxiety

Hi there! I am from sherbrooke in quebec and i quit alcohol and others substances since 2years and almost 10months. I am very proud of me for that accomplishment but i found myself just like i were when i was a child…very isolated and socially super anxious. Im getting in university this fall and i was hoping to make a new group of friends…an healthy and longterm one for once! But everything is going so fast in my mind and my heart that its almost impossible for me to just “simply be myself” among others persons…its like if i never knew how!? I never know what to say or how to act!? Since i am sober i am even more self aware and anxious and i haven’t really quit succeed to make and keep real friendships…i feel so lonely all the time and i wish i was able to be normal and not thinking and feel so much all the time but i think im just made this way…am i the only one like this? And if not, how you guys manage to make new friends nad being yourself without feeling lke you put on a mask or acting out?


Congratulations on 2 years and 10 months. I’m currently on a 8month long stretch and I’m finding myself in the same position as you.

I think it’s pretty normal for a lot of us that you get that feeling of not fitting in with the usual crowd into recovery. I honestly view it as the right people show up at the right time in life, that’s not to say you shouldnt try to get out of your own shell, introverted people just prefer there own company, but to work on the social anxiety you will have to face it. It definitely can be disabling at times though so I understand how you feel about that.

Maybe you’ll meet some friends in university when you start you never know. I’ve made friends on here, I got invested in my music on Instagram and online and made some friends that way. Really just go do things you love in life, I’m sure you’ll run into some people that way and be friends with those who want the best for you :metal:stay in here and talk to some people , welcome to sober time fellow Canadian! Great job on your days :metal:


I’m there with you. You described what that’s like perfectly. Has making friends and being social improved for you?

I can fully relate to the topic in every way.