How to quit smoking weed?

I’ve been a daily smoker for about 2-3 years now I need to stop ASAP because I was born with a defect and smoking isn’t good for me. Any advice on how to stop feeling the need or urge I’m all ears


Smoking what?


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Sorry cant help you there. Avid smoker cigs and that. But as an alcoholic, I can offer this: if you don’t want to do it anymore, you won’t! ODAAT

What about the edibles?

Smoked every day for over 30 years from the minute I woke up until the minute I fell asleep. There is no quick fix I’m afraid but if you rolled joints and used tobacco then coming off the nicotine is going to be harder than the weed so get some lozenges or something similar. Be ready not to sleep much and when you do your going to have some crazy dreams. If you think you ate a lot with the munchies your going to be amazed how much more you can eat just out of general boredom or trying to find something else to stick in your body that is rewarding. Get outside and go for some walks and get some fresh air in your lungs for a change, burn off some of that extra energy.
If you need to go to NA meeting bc they are for any mind altering substance. I cried, I thought I was going to have a heart attack, I failed many times but I kept getting back up. You got this. Proud of you.


I can tell you it’s likely to be a little uncomfortable to stop just like with any addiction but that’s no reason to keep doing it-you can totally do it! I had to think of it like this. To gain what I want most in life I have to be a little uncomfortable sometimes to get that. Short term discomfort certainly beats a lifetime of continuing to suffer! It’s worth it and so are you.

I smoked from 5th grade until my late 30’s. For me, it was mostly breaking my patterns and habits. I had to treat that addiction just like I did my alcohol use. One day and even just one moment at a time.

What helped me a lot is I said thank you and goodbye to it. I visualized myself as a high vibing non-smoker surrounded by white light instead of a cloud of smoke. When the urge came, I’d find something else to do to stay occupied (doing something I loved helped the most) and I’d remember that image of me as non-user. I worked my program and continued to clear out my clutter. My doctors had prescribed it as medication for me by that time so that gave me a permission slip when I stopped drinking to continue to smoke, however, I knew in my heart it was truly just holding me back and continuing to damage my body and my soul. Because it truly was. So it had to go. The best thing I’ve ever done is become FULLY sober.

You’re worthy of living your absolute best life, stay with it my friend! :heart:


You are appreciated if you would like I’ll keep you updated on what will be a very hard journey

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[You are appreciated if you would like I’ll keep you updated on what will be a very hard journey

reach out any time and yeah it’ll be good to watch your journey.