How to start or what to say

Hello, I’m new and trying to get clean stay clean I’ve done it before but this time its had its hands on me tight, five years and counting!

Ive been lying to myself , about how I really struggle, broken promises, damaged relationships, how I’m stuck. Stuck in doing good few weeks , few months then im high every other day! Anyone got good advise or care to be a friend i appreciate it.


Welcome to Talking Sober Nikki. This is such a great place for support in our fights for a better sober and clean life. My firstvadvice is not to go this alone. We need each other, we need ourpeers. I found that support here but other groups might also be very helpful, like aa, na, smart, dharma and more. Welcome again, wishing you all success fri. One day at a time for all of us. :people_hugging: :heartbeat: :people_hugging:


Glad you found us @NIKKI7 read around often and you’ll find a supportive community

Im proud of you for acknowledging you want to take a different path. Now you need a plan, just for today, how can you get to bed sober? Early on, the cravings are intense and i needed distraction and accountability. What do you need? We can help with some ideas


Made it through today. But always worried about tomorrow.


My advice: leave worrying about tomorrow for tomorrow. Just reward yourself with a good night’s rest and things will look up once tomorrow does come around.


Hi Nikki7, I would gladly love to be your friend! You can privately message me anytime if you like. We are all here to support you :heart:


Hi @NIKKI7 welcome to ts , I’ll be your friend on your journey as @Dirk said leave tomorrow for tomorrow it Doesn’t exist yet . Well done for getting day one down ,just live in this day and this day alone. keep talking about how your feeling and don’t allow the addict voices to get you . Read up on the recovery tools on the forum and use them when ever you have cravings ,we’ve got you :kissing_heart::people_hugging:


This is exactly where I’m at and it’s killing me inside…

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Me too , and its a just a itch my skin off in the worst way when i use. Liks its for sure not.aorth even throwing days away or years. I had five years once and that was coming off a needle. First time i touched meth i let this girl i was talking to shoot me up, and it was a blessing from God to walk away and walk away with my son and my life. I worked my ass off for that and did the work and cried getting high bc i didnt even wanna do if but i felt i needed it…

Using this time i smoked it , first time ever trying it that way, set it down like it was nothing so like most thought i had a handle on it. Also told myself if i could set a needle down cold turkey no rehab just locked myself in my apartment then i can set a pipe down… and now ive been doing the pipe about five years almost six. Can go montha without it, weeks , and somehow i end up locked in my bathroom getting high and then feeling stuck in that bathroom for hours. So when i come out i usually run far from my house.

Its literally almost mentally broke me down so many times…

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@NIKKI7 Yes we all here, Past and Future doesn’t exist that we cannot change or predict. Just live present and make it better, Live one day at a time.
Lot of love :slight_smile: