How to stay sober if its around you

I use this app quite a bit, fell down a few times but keep getting back up, I’m just struggling as my partner uses, and doesn’t seem to bother him, he still functioning but me it takes days out of me especially mentally, I’ve lost jobs to, hope everyone is doing well


Always good to see you!! I know it is hard with a partner still drinking. I struggled against that for years. It really did not seem possible to get sober around another person drinking, often nightly, just a couple, whatever. So yeah, I understand.

Many years ago someone on here said to me that my drinking or not was 100% MY responsibility and my partner’s drinking or not was 100% their responsibility. I sat with that for awhile…and it made sense. I am the one with control over whether or not I pour a drink. It was hard, no lie. I went to bed or just to our bedroom to read very early alone for a long while. I made sure no wine (my then drink of choice) was not in the house, ever. I made sure no cocaine was being done in our house. I kicked drunk and party people out of the house a few times. I went to the gym at night, rode my bike for long ‘cocktail hours’, avoided pool parties, dinners, BBQs, get togethers for a long time. I soaked in the bathtub til I was pruned.

Mostly I read a ton here and other sobriety and recovery books. I spent a ton of times on sobriety forums. I took it a minute at a time. When I was tested by THEIR drinking, I left the house for awhile or went to bed or into a book.

I took 100% responsibility for me and what I chose to do or not do.

You can do this. It isn’t easy and it will cause strain and change. But sometimes we need to let go of what we grasp so tightly and believe in ourselves. Take it a minute at a time. :people_hugging:


Wow :heartpulse:yes it does make so much sense, it does feel harder so much, with the temptation is there, but drawing a positive it makes you stronger, thank you so much for your post means alot, something to think on :muscle:

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Hi there!
I totally relate with you since my husband also drinks and sadly doesn’t seem to be willing to quit. For the longest time I have try to get in this journey together but I just got to the point where I will have to do it by myself. I love all the ideas I read on the previous post. Like they said, it’s my health, my life, my journey and I am going to take 100% responsibility. I am aware that it will be hard but I’m willing to try anything to become the best version of myself. I wish you all the best!


My brother rents a room from me. I’m thankful for that since I currently have no income except his rent payment. He also drinks a lot. Whenever he goes to work there’s always a box of beer sitting there, but I just ignore it. I heard him opening one as I write this.

I find it easy since I still feel sick after quitting nearly a month ago. I also don’t want to go through losing jobs, friends, and health again. Learn to hate it. I think it’s ok to have hate for certain things.


That is actually a good point. Learn to hate it. It is kinda easier when you try to remember all the bad, scary and embarrassing things you’ve been through because of alcohol….


Right back to you too, hopefully see you on here we are all in it together :muscle:strength sent

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Yes I will try looking at it that way

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