How was your weekend did you get through it sober?

My weekend was up and down really. I was so tempted to pick up a drink yesterday I was struggling a lot! I could of gone 2 ways but I chose the best option and went to AA meeting after it I felt great an the temptation had completely disappeared. My craving was so powerful I honestly thought I would give in after 9 weeks so glad I didn’t x


I had a stellar sober weekend! I think I cheated. I volunteered 24 hrs at an animal shelter, and at the end of each day I was to exhausted to do anything but shower, eat and sleep. Still a victory!


Good work! I’m at 7 Days today…your comment is inspiring!


I did it. It was hard. But it was done.


Yep I made it…was craving on Friday but got past it…I’m at 3 weeks today :blush::blush::blush:


Well done on not giving in youre doing fantastic

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Aww great news guys we didn’t drink this weekend well done all of you. We can do this together hang in there it will get easier :v: xxx


Great job! I made it through the weekend too. Skipped a fundraiser (wine tasting) which made me sad. I LOVE wine tastings, and was thinking “I can’t get drunk at a tasting” “I’ll go home right after” “it’s a good cause to support” and all those other justifications… In the end I just skipped it. Unlike most of my other social obligations, you can’t just drink coke or 7up with cran at a wine tasting LOL. This is the first thing I had to avoid, so I was sad for a while, but when I didn’t have to reset my counter on Sunday it felt great!


@Trying well done you!! I had to cancel seeing a friend today as I knew it would lead to us having a drink and she’s got problems with alcohol to. Sometimes we have to miss out or do something else just as fun in order to keep ourselves safe. You can do this. I was struggling last night so I attended AA meeting so glad I didn’t have to reset my counter to x


Thirty miles on my bike yesterday. My daughter and my wife’s youngest all weekend (I know. It’s weird. I don’t say “stepson” bc of all the negative connotations of that title and he has a father. With the loss of my son, I struggle w that, though many would argue that I am a better father than his biological father). We met her oldest and did Laser Tag and climbing walls and video games (yeah, I pretty much wore out Dig Dug…you Young Bucks can look Dig Dug up on Wikipedia:0)
Dropped my daughter at school. Three episodes of Love on Netflix and one of Bates Motel this a.m. w the wife.
Three years, Three months, three days,


I ended up getting a badass bed and a washer and dryer off Craigs List for our new place, decorated, and spent time with family…stayed very busy and took a long nap on Sunday. I look around and feel so much gratitude. Sobriety is such a blessing that not everyone will have.


Made it through my weekend sober!!! I’m on day 10 today! I did some gardening, cleaned the house and am in the process of organizational operations of every drawer in the house. I’m feeling a little stronger, but still have craving’s which I’m battling one at a time. Here’s to facing abother week sober everyone!


I had a pretty great sober weekend. Hit a morning meeting on Saturday did some step 4 work my buddy gifted me a bike since he heard I can’t drive. Then some sober buddies brought me to play disc golf, never did that sober. Then I hit a late night meeting 11:11 pm it lasted 2 hours but it was one of the best and most honest I have attended.

Sunday was lazy until I hit a quadA meeting, won’t be doing that again, and a speaker meeting after and did some service work by being a door greeter. I liked that meeting it had a decent size young crowd. Its the longest/oldest running meeting in the same place it started in all of Chicagoland.


I made it 1 full day not drinking, I have finally realized that I can’t ever drink again, which I finally am able to admit.
Not sure my relationship will make it he’s not talking to me, but I did come clean with him about my drinking and hidden drinking.
I do feel free having it out in the open, but terrified at the same time.
I can change the past just working on making amends and moving forward with or without my partner.


Had a couple triggers Saturday but onward and upward ,I didn’t give in and didn’t drink… and now I’m on my second month sober.


What’s a quad a meeting? @Enaps

Athesit Agnostics of Alcoholics Anonymous.
They don’t do any of the readings and no praying. I just wasn’t feeling it. It seemed as if they were just dry drunks not really trying to improve. At least some of them and at that meeting. Maybe other quad A meetings are different.


Had a great weekend. Lots of small projects here at home. Husband went out of town saturday so a quiet relaxing time. Used to stress about being at home alone as this used to be a trigger to drink a ton of wine alone.

Had a HH meeting with a couple of coworkers. I had diet coke while others drank beer. Totally not tempted to drink.

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Wow well done you!! And I love bates motel it’s a great series keep up the good work @Chandler13 x

@Enaps I’m an atheist, but that “quadA” name cracks me up a bit. :smile:

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