How's Everyone Soberity

you have to find other activities get out make new friends healthy ones
try nd distract yourself the best that you can or we can talk and i can help.
i’m going thru a hard time rn as well

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have you thought about getting on maintance to help wit your cravings?

If your so tired of the lifestyle love you have to do everything in your power to change that
if you would like to talk my inboxx is always open

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yes when you finally admit that you are an alcoholic it’s a complete relief off your shoulders

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I want to thank you so much for responding to my post like I say I do not have problems during the week it’s the weekend when I have cravings and I am going to try my best not to drink as the weeknd approach

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One thing I have done that seems to be really helping… I use the journal portion of this app, and every morning I just rate my day as ‘better than halfway decent’…so, somewhere in the green.

Anytime things start to get stressful, I stop and carefully reflect on all of the good moments over the previous few hours…the things I can choose to be aware of to decide the day is overall good.

It keeps me from spinning my wheels on the negative moments and getting too focused on equally minor things that irritate me or are not going my way.

The shift in perspective has kept me from having very many of those ‘my kingdom for a drink’ moments.

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