How's Everyone Soberity

I know I haven’t been on for a while.
But, I’m curious to know How everyone is in there sobriety?

I have 2 years 1 month and 22 days sober
but, let me tell you this it has been challenging.
But i’m managing to overcome my demons day in and day out.
Even when i have my days where I feel like no matter what
it’s never enough in most eyes it is in mine and that’s all that matters


Hi :blush: you have an incredible amount of sober time stacked up. I’m on day 78, so a bit of a beginner. I hope I can be as strong as you. I’ve had some really crap times. This week was pretty rough but I feel very peaceful and content today x
You’re doing amazing :star_struck:


Hey Ash! :wave: My recovery has been good so far. I have some challenging moments. But I find that the hardest part is living life on life’s terms and learning to manage my emotions and stress. Honestly at this point… not using drugs is the easy part. It’s everything else that I have to deal with that is sometimes hard and challenging right now. I’m at day 194 currently.


I think it’s easier if I come here every day so I have for the past 1036 days. Being around recovery makes recovery easier. Congratulations on your time and welcome back.


everyday is gonna be a struggle but, if you fact every day head on it be worth it in the end


keep going you got this ONe day at time motto i live by everyday

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that’s incredible congradulations

I’m great I have over 4 Months of sobriety today I did have 2 years had a lil relapse but God blessed me with a second chance at this so I’m back and have over 4 Months now and God is great all the time​:100::muscle::pray::raised_hands::ok_hand::blue_heart:


Doing amazing and hows yours

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I’m on day 6, this weekend has been a bit of a battle with myself. But I’m doing what I can to avoid temptation but it’s a lonely fight since I find myself constantly saying no to social outings as to avoid situations where I know I’ll be surrounded by said temptations and friends cant understand why i just want to stay home. I haven’t yet told anyone I’ve begun this journey, I think it’s because I just don’t want to explain why just yet, I’m sort of figuring it out for myself still.


Just made it a week!


1 year sober today and I work smack in between 2 liquor stores and there’s a gas station beyond one of those that primarily sells beer. But it doesn’t even bother me especially since from my office window I see people stumbling by every day. I don’t want that life again.


Congratulations with the 1 year milestone! :tada::tada::tada: You did everything sober this year: birthdays, Christmas, 4th of july, NYE, etc. Awesome! :facepunch:


And you congratulations with the 2 year milestone!! :tada::tada::tada:
A few weeks and I celebrate my 4 year sober.
Life isn’t easy sober, but it’s deffinitely better this way for me.


Woohoo! One year of freedom from alcohol. Congrats!

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Thank you to everyone that has responded. I’m so proud of you all!
keep up all your hard work. I am going to try to post at least once or twice a week.
But i meant when i said if anyone ever is struggling or having a bad day.
Please do not hesitate to reach out and message me and i will try to help you
the best to my ability!


It’s my first day on here because I want to stop drinking I have hard times on the weekend I crave drinking on the weekend I want to do something else so the Cravings can be easier so I am going to take one day at a time


Still very early on about to approach day 10. I feel guilty for sleeping in most days. I tend to wake up in the late hours and read literature on being clean. Cravings come and go and I try to fill the boredom with something constructive.

I’m taking advantage of these next few weeks to rest as well before I start job hunting. The thought of bills being unpaid makes me nervous but I knew I had to get into a better environment to get better.


Today is my first day I am up for the challenge because I drink on the weekend and I’ve been strength I stay up all night drinking and I am so tired of that lifestyle


57 days! That’s a recent record. This time feels like forever. I had a minor medical issue recently and the nurse was asking about my medical history, when she got to the question about alcohol use I finally said it!..“I’m an alcoholic, but a sober one.” I had never spoken those words outside my head. It felt good.