Hubby seems disappointed

He made a face when I said I was having virgin cocktails tonight.

However he did say I was doing good. So maybe he just feels guilty about wanting his own non-virgin cocktails.

At least he isn’t pressuring me.


That’s a tough one - but if he has a problem, that one’s his to work out.
You have to focus on something more important!


Show him you can still be your wonderful, fun self!!! That’s his issue! Rock on you’ve got this


It’s tough as he prob had associated you with drinking for along time but it is not who you are its just what you do he will love who you are.
I have the same issue tonight…heading to my partners pub I know not a good idea n he was like you can have just one to be social n I was like but I can never just have one!! When will they understand it’s the first one that f@#KS UP everything!! So anxious about tonight my heart is racing was meant to be there by now but still I can’t seem to manage it!! Help and wish me luck!!


I have a similar situation with my wife. During my many previous attempts at sobriety she continued to drink and nothing has changed with my current sobriety. One mistake that I constantly made was worrying about her drinking and trying to convince her that she needed to cut back or stop completely. I found myself draining all my energy on her when I should of been concentrating on my own sobriety. By constantly worrying about her and preaching to her about her problems I completely ignored myself and that derailed my sobriety time and time again. So I have learned that I must put myself first when it comes to sobriety and maybe, just maybe, my wife will eventually come around on her own.


HI there @VSue. Thanks for posting this. I’m taking my husband on a trip to Ireland in April for his 30th. We were talking about it the other day and he asked if I would be done with this “non-alcoholic thing” by then because we need to go on whiskey tastings and drink warm guiness beer. I just started crying.


You all are doing this for yourself , as i do . Someone never can learn and understand what we are going trough ,in fact we are our own HERO’S :heart::heart::heart::muscle::muscle: i love you all ! @NatalieE do your thing, stay tough and say No . @VSue he shall not pressure you to anything. Deep down i belive he is Proud of you


My ex told me alcohol was not addictive, embarrassed me about my drinking and generally demeaned my efforts to get sober.
She’s my ex and I’m now sober.
I’m sure your partners aren’t like this but all I know is that I had to do this for me.
Neither of us were bad people, but neither of us could help each other. We’re now friends. But that’s as far as it goes!


I love mocktails! Good for you stick to your guns :slight_smile:

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@Elizabeth that sounds exactly like something my hubby would say. But in his defence, while I have told him that I’m trying to be alcohol free for life I havent used the dreaded “alcoholic” word. He thinks I’m just trying to be “healthy” (which is true but only a small part of it).

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@soberbandit I have to say that when my husband would declare that WE should cut back I would get very angry and defensive and drink even more to spite him.

Maybe your wife does need help but sadly she needs to decide that herself. Show her how good sobriety is!!