I again started after 10 days

Unfortunately this last week was horrible for me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I was very good at Work, health, sleep when i was sober for 10 days. After 10 days for my was again started and that made my last week worse.

I didnt go for work 6 days, my boss give me chances before same issue to avoid management take decision.
I dont know what will happen tomorrow, When i go to work.

This last week was horrrible for me, I drink after wakeup without any food (5-6) cans of beers every day.
I’m very disappointed because today im sober and thinking what will happen tomorrow, If my job loss i will be in more trouble,

Today i again started my 1st day !, I want to be sober for lifetime because one sudden craving made me how im today.

I will write tomorrow after i visit work, i dont know what will happen tomorrow, Pray for me. The Alcohol made me like this


Today is a beautiful day for a day 1. Im sorry you are struggling @sarath_unrelax i would like to share with you some words i heard for the first time today.

Living One Day at a Time: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Sailing sunset on the water illustrates living one day at a time
This short prose is a nice reminder to live one day at a time:

There are two days in every week about which we should not worry. Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
One of these days is yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone.
The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow. With its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow’s sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is as yet unborn.
This just leaves only one day . . . Today. Any person can face the challenges of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternity’s - yesterday and tomorrow - that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives people mad. It is the remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday, and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.
Let us therefore live but one day at a time.
~ Author Unknown ~

Get curious about sobriety. Take note of sober milestones. Acknowledge your wins and your challenges. I will look forward to your share on day 2


I’m sorry you are struggling. You did manage to go 10 days without drinking, so learn from this.
You say you drank upon waking, so is alcohol in the house? Can you get rid of it? Look at what things you are doing to deal with cravings. Add more things. TS is available 24 /7 so next time you are tempted, come here instead. Wish you well.:pray::heart:

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I suggest you bookmark your post and come back to it often as a reminder. The only drink that’s important is the first one. As long as you don’t pick up that first, there will never be a 2nd, 3rd or more.

You can’t change the past and you can’t control the actions that will be taken at work as a result. Today is the only day that’s in your full control. Do something for your sobriety. If you don’t start working on the underlying reasons that cause you to drink, you’ll be back drinking in the near future. For me, that was AA. That program changed my life. It taught me how to live life on life’s terms without a substance. I hope you find what works for you.


You got this homie!!! Reach out whenever you need help with the cravings :slight_smile: Congrats on making the change!

I’m not sure what the withdrawal symptoms are for alcohol abuse, but it may be beneficial to lookup the withdrawal symptoms and just be mindful of them when you feel the cravings/withdrawal.

Definitely reach out for help whenever you need, I realize trying to fight against my drug of choice alone was a huge mistake I made in my sobriety. Good luck homie :slight_smile:

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Thanks everyone for the Support :),

But I’m afraid about my work and how i face them tomorrow and also will know if my work there or not. :frowning:

I drink all the day after starting every morning i wake up with hangover, anxiety and depression i got for first drink the ends up with more drinks.and one week i didnt go for work,


…Good luck with this…

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Try a meeting might help ,helped me get sober , as for the Alcohol made you like this im afraid it was you who made you like this ,Thats why if you want your life to get manageable then you have to take control of it that means seek help i wish you well


How are you doing today? You did get to your double digits and were feeling amazing and doing well. Hold onto that feeling - seek support and keep adding up the days. Do not let the past week bring you down. We are here to help you as well - sending you strength :muscle:

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Sorry about all this Sarath. I hope you get a chance to hold your job.
But if not, do not go for a full blow up. Do not let your addiction get it all. You can choose for not picking up that first one!
See it as your rock bottom to change your life for the better instead of drowning yourself in sorrow.
See yourself as a person who is sick. If you are a bit like me then if you are sick you Google first about the diagnose, buy some selftreatment medicines and give yourself some rest to heal. If that didn’t help you ask advice to a doctor for help.
Do the same with this. You tried yourself, but it didn’t help. So maybe join AA? There are also online meetings if you like.
Here you find some

I hope you get a second chance for your job :crossed_fingers:


Yes my first AA meeting scheduled on 11 April 2014.

Participating AA meeting online today


Thanks for sharing this. Needed to read it.

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