I am 1 Year Sober Today!

You’re doing well. I, too, just hit a milestone. Here’s to a new month, a new season, and soon to be a new year of sobriety.

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Congratulations on 365 days sober!

What an amazing achievement!!


Congratulations on one year! Amazing achievement :clap:t2::clap:t2::ok_hand:t2::two_hearts::pray:t2:

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Congratulations. It keeps getting better. Godspeed on this journey.:two_hearts:

Congratulations on One Year!

First of all, congrats!! Amazing work my friend!

I remember a year and felt overwhelmed with a feeling of “wow, I can do this” I was so proud of myself! It also made me so much more compassionate for those still suffering. Knowing how terrible the feeling is and how hard it was. But it also gave me the feeling that, as bad as I got and the hopelessness I felt, I was able to do it which absolutely means that anyone can do it! It takes work and prioritizing sobriety. That’s why it breaks my heart so much to see folks struggling on here. It’s like the greatest gift that you can’t give to someone. The most we can do is offer our insights and perspective.

I look forward to reading your story. Thanks for taking the time to document it.

Again, congrats and keep on moving! Life can be so wonderful

Thank you! Great response - yeah I completely agree - we (you and I) did it! And if we can - anywone can! It’s definitely tough, there is no question , but, its possible…and there are lots of resources and people that want to help.
Thanks for the message

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Congratulations!! I love how you shared your year journey!

Wayyyy to gooo!!! and hope this new month is going well for you !!!:call_me_hand:t6::call_me_hand:t6::call_me_hand:t6: