I AM Alcoholic

In my opinion being an alcoholic is not being able to drink like a non alcoholic. There are not many non alcoholics that drink. Not many at all. A non alcoholic can order a drink of alcohol much like a glass of water or sweet tea. Take it or leave it. They can have a sip and just leave the rest or drink it, it doesn’t matter to them. There is no Black and White, but that analogy has always made sense to me.

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Yup! It was when I finally admitted that I was an alcoholic that I was able to stop fighting. Alcoholics can’t control their drinking. So I didn’t have to try to control it any more. I was able to surrender that fight. And I was finally free


Thanks, @Ray_M_C_Laren for that blunt response very welcoming of you

Well said @Natnat I still find it difficult and hard to accept the fact that I’m an addict until the day I die but the truth is just ugly we can only make it better or more worse by our own choices


Wished you well didnt i


I will always be an alcoholic.

I think of alcoholism as a chronic disease that can be managed but never cured from. Similar to diabetes. Diabetes can be controlled through diet, exercise, and medication but you don’t cure it. If you stop the diet or medication the diabetes will get worse again. If I stop my recovery and start drinking again the alcoholism will get worse again.

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Honestly I think you need to figure out what an “alcoholic” is. I know I used to think I can’t be an alcoholic, I’m not homeless, living under a bridge, drinking pure ethanol out of a paper bag. I am married with a family, live in a nice home, have a good job, never been arrested…how could I be an alcoholic? So what is an alcoholic? Is an alcoholic ONLY someone actively drinking? Or can you be an alcoholic because you know if you ever drink again you will not be able to control it? That is me. I haven’t had a drink in 358 days and I can proudly say “I don’t drink”…but I know if I ever have a drink it will very quickly turn into 2 bottles of wine each day. I don’t have control. I am managing this condition but I don’t have it beat. I don’t believe I ever will.


“I’m not an alcoholic, I’m a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings”

  • Me prior to three rehab stints and regular attendance at AA.

I suppose now I’m just an alcoholic.


I totally agree with u. The first time I ever went to a meeting them words I’m a addict hurt so much but in the past 9 months ive learned so much about my illness. My first meeting was aa and even though I am a drug addict aa made me realise I’m a addict to drink and drugs. I can’t have anything in my body that’s addiction. I’ve tried other fellowships but it’s aa I connect to the best x



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I actually agree with you. I am lersonally sober almost 3 months onlym but my mindset is not a mindset of alcoholic anymore. I was alcoholic. But I am not anymore.
I talk how I feel. That’s it :slight_smile:


This, everyday.


So very well said. Surrender is a huge part of recovery especially resonates with me. I’m working on that part.


I was thinking about this today, how I haven’t said it yet. I was riding my bike and I think it’s because I had such bad alcoholic parents that if I say it it means I’m just like they were…or something. I’ll figure it out eventually…