I am going to check in daily

Hi Everyone I am going to post every evening and morning to check in and state my sobriety. I have realised I need to do this to help myself and have my life in the light. Really glad for this community. We all have the same goal. To achieve a life of complete sobriety and never to give up till we achieve that goal! Addiction thrives in isolation, but together I believe it is possible! Feel free to share lessons any of you have learned that could help me beat my addiction. I am open for any help. I have been battling my addiction for 25 years now and really want it to end for good!


Welcome! There is a group thread like this, where many people check in daily and share their experience, strength and hope about their day to day adventures in sobriety. Feel free to join in to the group thread if you wish. Just jump to the latest entry today! Keep coming back!

Checking in daily to help maintain focus