I am gonna break

Our addictive brains are powerful, they prey on our vulnerabilities to get us using again.


Just get through today. Distract your self . stay on here till the urge passes. It will pass ! You dont need to drink. Life is just happening to you. You will get passed this urge. :trophy:


Maybe send mom a Christmas card?? I’m sorry i don’t know the situation there

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But I have come this far… I was so happy… then one day… blah…


That happens, we have bad days, weeks, even months sometimes it’s natural… it’s happened to me too

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I have everything to loose if I drink and I know this… I just want the pain to stop… I don’t crave the taste…

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Damn it why

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This is when you show your strength, it’s in you…
It’s not an option tonight. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for being here!


@Warrior_Princess, you can do this. I know you feel overwhelmed , try to break it down into little tasks. Everything doesn’t have to get done right now… take a deep breath. Don’t take a drink.


Please dont relapse !
Take deep breaths , go for a hot bath , get some tea , think of everything you have accomplished but whatever you do dont relapse :pray:


Stay on here and keep talking, keep breathing… you can make it through this… addiction isn’t beating you today


I’m having one of those days too… we can’t give up!
I’m trying everything to stay present and grateful.
Posting here… doing myself a nice dinner… stopping and sitting… crying… getting angry… going blank… everything but just not giving up. Little things are helping me through… can here the birds outside right now when I couldn’t an hour ago. You sound like an active person… just want you to know that you can stop if you want too… the world will not hate you for it and if they do… thats there shit! Be nice to yourself because everyone else may not… excluding us :+1:


What Dan said. Drinking will not help your heart. Hang in there, please. Lots of people care and want the best for you. Sending you strength to fight this.

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Are you okay?

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I am! Thanks everyone!!! I got though the moment… now laundry :joy:


Wow!! You did it!! You’ll be so proud of yourself tomorrow. I’m so happy you came in here first. You are a true sober warrior.


YES!!! You go!


Fantastic work reaching out, you make me proud to be on this journey with you and all the lovely folks on here. This is why I truly could not manage without this place. Great work @Warrior_Princess and good job cleaning up your cooker is sparkling :raised_hands:t2::pray:t2::two_hearts:

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That is awesome news @Warrior_Princess! I hope you are waking up this morning so proud of yourself for winning the battle❤️ Because you most definitely should be!

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