I am gonna break

About to relapse like now! I am sitting in my truck… please help!


Talk to us what’s going on?


Why? What will that help? Stop and think of everything you are grateful for right this second.
Starting with being grateful you have a truck.


Think of how much you will regret it tomorrow. What happened that triggered you?


We all know problems don’t go away when we drink. It’s just a temporary way to kill the pain and feel like shit tomorrow. And the shame.
There has to be something else you can do.


Really think about the pros and cons. There are no longlasting pros, just temporary escape that in the end makes everything worse. The cons, so many, really visualise them, u do NOT deserve that, u deserve better. Get some hot or cold food instead. Really feel those sensations.


I am overwhelmed with everything!! Baking cookies all day and decorating… wife is helping with chores and setting up meds… I see cardiologist at 9 am as I have moved to new state in February and haven’t set up with one yet. And been having issues with my left ventricular hypertrophy most likely as this happens when I gain weight. I have gained almost 40 since August, because neurologist changed my medications. Just a long story.


You’ve made it over a couple hundred days and counting so i know you can make it til tomorrow… ok drinking will certainly not help your heart. I see you have some major stressors right now, that’s OK let’s talk about them.


And we are packing up the apartment as well we moved in February to a new home

I haven’t talked to my mom since March and keep having dreams about her she is my biggest trigger

It sure sounds like you have a lot going on and could use some relaxation. Maybe a nice shower or a bath?

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But I love and miss her so much!!!

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I am shaking so bad…

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And I can’t get past the shame and guilt in my life to heal

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Take some deep breaths

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Yes but I have to clean and finish cookies and clean up my mess and then put away my clothes gawd! And work a bit before going to the dr. In the am

And going back in and facing my wife after leaving… gah…

I know it’s hard dealing with things in the past… the thing is we just have to accept them, there is nothing we can do about them, no time machine, no do overs. It’s hard but blowing up the night will only set you back further


I didn’t yell or anything just left.

Yes I know one shot one time around…