I am in need of Help

I am on day two and I failed. I have never been like this until I had gastric bypass surgery almost 3 years ago and now I will admit I have become a true alcoholic. My bf is ready to leave me! How do I get thru this. I dnt have support at all


Hey think the first step is realising you need help and asking for it , dont beat yourself up it takes us all lots of attempts before we have a good run ive lost count for me but this time ive really wanted to change for me and am closing in on 90 days so it can be done , just reach out on here try on-line meetings or even any books i think its a try and see situation till u find what works for you, something that helps me is what someone said in rehab if u dont have that first drink u cant have the tenth stay strong u got this :muscle:


You just reached out to ask for help. That’s a major step in the right direction! I tried quitting too many times to count to no avail. Im not going on 2.5 years. Keep reaching out and actively seeking sobriety. Find a support group, or community. You’ll get the hang of it, i believe in you


Don’t worry. You’re in a right place right now. All the bad emotions will go away. I’m on day 3 after many failures… still feeling the guilt and anxiety. Time heals our pain and we just need to forgive ourselves. It’s a huge step towards a better life. Think about the version of you which you want to be and let the past stay where it belongs :two_hearts:


Welcome to the community. I now have s much support as you want. Be active here, it will help


Ive read a whole thread once about this…


Welcome, Sheli. This is a safe place to share and I hope you find the support you need. Read around, see what resonates. Wishing you well.


I think I need rehab in order to do this. I dnt want too I get bored and think what my purpose sometimes and drink to be numb. How do I get thru w no help or support


We are glad you’re here. It takes true strength to accept that you’re an alcoholic. Guess what?
I am a grateful recovering alcoholic.

You have real strength in you. Try some meetings, the big book, and the 12 steps okay?


I’ve had such crucial moment as well. When I realised I’m a danger to myself I called the emergency number and stayed overnight at mental hospital…it helped me to sober up and calm down. After that I had to wait for the therapy but I managed to stay away from alcohol until then. This substance is causing nothing but pain and we all know it. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you. You’re stronger than you think :mending_heart:


Lots of support here. Stay here and keep asking for the support you need

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Have you tried AA or SMART? It feels a bit scary at first but just being in a room full of other people who get it can be really empowering. And it helps me feel less alone.

If you have any questions on either, there are lots of people here who can tell you exactly what to expect.


As suggested maybe try ameeting face to face get phone numbers good network with like minded people wish you well

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Hi Sheli! I hope you are doing well. Ok first thing first. I don’t know what happens after bypass surgery. There are A NUMBER of us who didn’t have any addictions before. But it puts us on the fast track to alcoholism. ZIP! You’re right there with those who took many years to get there. So don’t beat yourself up and feel like you are failing because this fast track was out of our control. Genetic preposition? I don’t know and neither do the medical and science communities. But what i can tell you that it gets to a point where it’s irrelevant because alcoholism is alcoholism no matter what road a person takes. The bridge between the alcohol and that part of your brain is set. It’s done. It only progresses to worse and worse with no turning back. You can forget moderation. That’s the bad news. The good news is that you can do something about it. And that depends on your personal journey. Online meetings- in the rooms. Read here every day. Get literature and arm yourself with knowledge. It wasn’t a group of post surgery people that got me through my first year- it was beautiful people with multiple different addictions that just simply cared about me. I’m in my 4th year of sobriety and love my life so much now! You can do this :slight_smile: Reach out to me if you need and I’ll be hosting the Zoom tomorrow. :heart:


Thanks for the tag Kelly! I was having my birthday week and hadn’t been on for a few days! :hugs:


Hope you didnt mind me tagging your story, thought it might be helpful for the OP :heart:


I LOVE that you did :heart:


Oh great, your an inspirational lady Rebecca :clap: xx


This is such a lovely supportive post. Warmed my grumpy old heart to read it.

Thats wild abiut gastric bypass surgery, Ive never heard that before.


How are you getting on @Adr513 ?