I am motivated 😁

I am in therapy on day 10. I started taking Campral and have absolutely no cravings. Please pray :pray: for me that my return home will be an abstinent return and that I keep this feeling of peace and serenity. Thx :blush:


Awesome!! Keep it up! I’m at almost day 14. Just one little day at a time. Making sure you keep it as positive as you can and make sure you let your feelings out too.


Yeah… It’s much easier being positive when not intoxicated!!!:crazy_face:. Congratulations on your 14 days! That’s awesome :+1: You’re right, I tend to bottle up my feelings, but I need to let them out and accept to live in the present moment.


16 days today. Relasped 3 years ago after rehab. Lost my dear friend to alcholism on June 19th this year. He was only 47. I hope to win this battle :pray:


@Alice13 Congratulations on your day 10 :tada: :tada: :tada:
@SudsNStuff 2 weeks is a big achievement , keep going ! :star_struck:
@Gwend I’m sad to hear that you lost your friend. :pensive: , Alcoholism Is such a killing disease and I’m happy to see you here :), Will keep going together one day at a time.

Day 9

Life is much better without alcohol, Waiting my mom to finish making my breakfast, My cravings are reduced but I know if its day 9 or 9 years, 90 years. The disease still with me lifelong so I have to be careful .


Hope is half the battle!! Remember one day at a time and to reach out when you need help. We are all here for you, you can do it :heart: congrats on 16 days!!

Congrats in Day 10!! 2 weeks is just around the corner!! Keep it up :muscle:

Keep it up.:+1: I keep a gratitude daily journal and it helps. Alcoholism is indeed a killer disease and unfortunately incurable. But I always try to think of how good I feel sober :wink: I don’t even like the buzz anymore, but it’s the habit I must break. Plus it’s EVERYWHERE!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I relapsed. 17 days. I needed an escape.

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Sorry to hear you’re stuggling! If you want to talk feel free to dm me. Glad you came back on here. Are you committing to sobriety again? How you doing today?

Drinking. I had to. Escape

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Do you mind if I ask why you feel like you have to escape?

Same here. My life was bad, and alcohol helped me escape from the pain. But alcohol also made my life worse, so I drank more to deal with it, which made my life even worse.

Alcohol creates pain and then helps you deal with it. It’s a wicked cycle of self destruction.

I have been alcohol free for the past 8 days. I’ve been trying to give up drinking from the past few years and somehow it’s never worked out. I hope this time it will.

I hope we can both break free of this cycle.

100%. Simple, effective and rarely done. Us addicts of anything always keep it inside, make it all about us and blow it out of proportion.
A problem shared is definitely a problem halved and a second opinion is usually a lot better than our take on the situation.

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Yeah, at the ending of my drinking it really wasn’t enjoyable at all anymore. And yet I kept drinking thinking maybe this time I would get the perfect buzz that would make everything feel better.

They do say the best way to stop drinking is to build a life you don’t want to escape from. However, as no life is free from some stress and strife, you also have to get used to sitting with hard feelings and situations sometimes. It is a continual work in progress for us all. :purple_heart:

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@Alice13 congrads on your sober time!!:tada: Ten days was huge for me, like many others here. Alcohol is lying demon. It says it will make everything better when it really makes everything worse!!!
There are other ways to deal with life downs! But the bottle is not is the way. I never found one good answer at the bottom of the bottle. Just regrets, more problems and a hangover. :dizzy_face:

I wish well on your journey. Keep it one day at time. You are so worth it.

So true!


Thx everyone for the great comments. I am still sober and honestly not craving much. I agree that drinking is a way to escape, so I am working on a list of things I can do to escape.

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