I am not a philosopher only a simple being

I have found in my 60 years of living that those who reach for the stars and accumulate them are never satisfied or celebrate a simple goal of 1 day free of addiction. Those that never wanted a star only a day of freedom feel my emotion. Can I get an OH YEAH!?


Oh yeah!!!

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Can you elaborate more?

After 25 days I drank! I’m tired and ashamed.

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I want to be a winner.

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Oh love i did not read your post that way. Im so sorry that you slipped. Please dont be ashamed. Its happened to all of us.
Do you know what caused you to drink? Are you able to resolve this and continue in with your quest for sobriety?
Do you have someone irl to talk to about this? Can you go to or jump on an online meeting?

25 days is no joke— you are a winner love…get back on the wagon and keep trudging.

Sorry - so many questions… im here if you need to vent/ chat whatever…feel free to pm if needed.

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You of all voices are the loudest. I still think you have a bed and microwave supplied by TALKING SOBER. My living arrangement is not the best for my sobriety journey. In fact it is the cause of my misery at this time. On the other side I may be delusional. Tomorrow is another day. I also love it here!.

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Ps you are a sweetheart!

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Oh babe so sorry- that truly sucks!!! Your home should be your safe space.
Do not dismiss your feelings my friend. You are not delusional. I know youve mentioned before of not getting the support for sobriety at home. I cant imagine that and this shows your incredible strength of making it 25 days.
I dont know your situation but i do know how strongly you want to live a sober life. Be selfish! Do what works for you! Drown out or ignore the bs around you.
Do you feel its time to make changes at home so that you can start living for you? Sorry if this is coming off pushy. Just want the best for you.
Ive seen the amazing work youve done so far and its impressive…want to to continue on this path.
Much love my friend :heart:.




Good morning beautiful
Just checking in…how are you doing today?

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Day 1 back on track. Thank you for asking!!! Hope you are well !


I love it!!! Doing well here…glad to have you back on this journey with me :people_hugging:

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