I am ready to get help

Some of my friends think its funny… I am a sex addict. I live a very normal life. My spouse and my two year old are my entire world. But. I have been having a long term affair. It’s over now, and I am trying to cross addict with other men. I don’t want to live two lives anymore. I want to honor my husband. I need help but I need someone to take me seriously first. I am not just promiscuous- there is a deep seeded issue here.

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Hi SF, sex addiction is real. My advice would be the same as all the other addictions to find a meeting where other addicts get together.

Start your counter and focus on it one day at a time. This is a very emotional addiction, so seeing a psychiatrist might be a great idea


I have been a porn and sex addict for 50 years half of which was sec addiction. The sex addiction was easy to stop. The porn has not. The first road to recovery is to realize you have a problem. There are support groups for sex addiction and I recommend you seek one out. Good luck.

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You might feel alone and that you’re “bad” or “broken”. But you are not any of those things! Search the forum here, you’ll find others with similar issues or even the words of the people in recovery who don’t have the exact same addiction can be helpful! Everyone says one day at a time for a reason. Keep your head up, you’re not alone.

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I know its probably a good idea. This feels like it’s going to be a very long journey. I think starting with a meeting would help. My husband is nervous about meetings for some odd reason.

Thank you. It definitely is a lonely, isolated feeling.

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