I am so alone

I’m happy you’re here and sharing your feelings with us. This is a safe place. I too was completely alone at my lowest. That loneliness put me in a deep, dark place in my mind. The booze and drugs only encouraged me to not care. PLEASE keep fighting! It’s so worth it when you get through this anxiousness. Things will start to come together. Slowly. Just be patient, sit in all your feelings and read them. The more sober days I added up, the more my mind and feelings became and are still becoming clear. I’m getting back into the world in a new light. Follow the positive and positive will be returned. I’m 68 days sober today. I was a wicked dude. You’re not alone. You have us. Feel free to message ANYTIME. I’ll be praying.


Congratulations your week of sobriety! That’s a big hump to get over. Keep up the great work gets better and better.

That’s how alot of us felt when we first walked into a meeting but just remember everyone is there for the same thing there is no judgement in the rooms as everyone knows how much we must be hurting to actually take that first step congrats on making the choice of sobriety as cliche as it sounds weve just gotta stay strong even if it feels like our world is falling apart I’ve found this community has helped me in so many ways I’m only a bit over a month myself but sure you can see some of my posts from early early recovery I was a fucking mess not sure I’m in a much better headspace now but I know I can’t go back the the old way of coping cos that got me in this predicament in the first place head up soldier you got this


Congrats on the 1 week!

I hope through your journey you learn how to connect with that part of you that feels shame and give her a darn hug. I sm still working on it myself.

You are absolutely NOT alone. Xo.

Many of us have felt this, Id actually say, all of us have…and NO you are not alone. The sober community not just here is huge. Your day 2 is something to YOU! And that matters. It’s important. It’s the beginning, it’s a start , even if it’s a restart. I know how it feels . I personally should be years on. But we didn’t choose this. But we choose to get sober. I had to restart my clock and am on day 5 today. Just keep going … It really is one day a t a time. Don’t see the 30 days… See today! For many it’s each moment. I don’t have family, I had to let go of pretty much everyone a very long time ago. So it can be lonely…I have a sweet bunny who needs me. And I feel so guilty of what I do. But I do it for me so I can be there for her. It’s pretty much just her and I and she’s my baby
Anyway. Keep going. We are here. There’s AA if you haven’t tried and there’s a community there. I’ve tried but I can’t seem to stick to it yet. So I come here. This place has helped me in the past. So I keep coming back.

Stay strong. :metal::metal::metal::metal::rainbow::black_heart:


That’s normal… Just listen at first if you have to. :metal:

I’m in the same boat had some clean time back in 2017 got about 3 years then as we do thought one wouldn’t hurt then spent the next 4 years fighting na really helped the first time tried it again in a different town and just felt so uncomfortable that wasn’t na ppl were making deals after the meeting can assure you I never went back so now I just try and life the program suggests except I don’t go to meetings I have a d and a counseller who is pretty much like my sponsor still read just for today every morning and still trying to work the steps in my own way I guess what I’m trying to say is when I found this community it was like returning to my home group so many like minded ppl trying to help one and other