I beat it again

I’m one night away from 4 weeks. Just had an almighty stress full evening. About an hour ago my son had a major meltdown on a busy street with people and traffic. Normally I would have opened and drank a bottle of wine by now but I didn’t give in. The temptation is still there as big as ever but it’s a tiny bit like I know I don’t drink anymore. By no means is it easygoing. I have also told a few friends I haven’t drank in 4 weeks. Not one of them questioned me. In the 4 weeks I have had 3 major trigger events and beat them… by the skin of my teeth every time. I also tried many times during the 4 weeks to get some time for myself, this was impossible. It’s causing a lot of stress to build up inside my head and I have to figure something out. I always blamed myself being hungover not pushing myself but I see now I have to put me first at least once a week from now on. My mind won’t switch off, my brain has to be busy or thinking about what has to be done next. This might be why I drink to stop that brain pecking away. I’m winning for today :smiley: back to my Recovery Elevator podcast. Good night everyone


Great job! “Life” is one of the biggest obstacles to staying sober. Learning that “escape” is not a sustainable solution to life’s situations is a huge step forward.

When my drinking entered what I refer to as “terminal stage” I drank to escape grief. The tragic part of this is my grief was always waiting for me, when ai sobered up.

4 week shows you can put days together. Keep getting after it!

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Great work, @LadyHatt, don’t forget to reward yourself a little for 4 weeks and keep up the good fight! :muscle:

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So proud of you :kissing_heart:

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