I broke my record and then broke my sobriety

So my record is now 18 days. … i was really proud and happy that it worked so far but today i had a relaps. I need another coping ro stress and bored.

Any tips?


Have a solid plan, have sobriety your top priority and do anything you can stay sober no matter what happens in your life. Relapse does not have to be part of recovery.


I’m at day 3 today sober…i have a problem im still struggling to deal with friends…most of them i work with everyday. Im trying to distance myself from them because they are the bad habit to my life…


Have you read this thread?
What's YOUR plan? ore this one: Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober). Find yourself a new coping system instead of your planA (drinking) was key for me. As wel as for distraction and staying connected. Maybe come here when you have urges? Venting helps!
Try to learn from this relapse, then it can be of use too :wink:


Lots of good information here for you. It’s time to do some homework and get yourself back to that proud feeling that you loved. You can do it, I know.

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