I cant say no

I tried getting sober since October. My longest stretch was 3 weeks. But i just cant. I need a friend, a sponsor, someone to keep me accountable because i cant do this on my own. Im crying for help. Please. Someone.


Good morning. You’ll find a ton of people needing the same thing at meetings, whether in person or online for now if that’s all you can get too. AA, Smart recovery. Everybody there has been exactly where you are.


You will find a lot of sober friends here but we cannot say no for you :hugs:
What has helped me was avoiding every alcohol related event, places ore friends for the first couple of months of my sobriaty. I also told the closest people around me about my sober plans and ask them not to offer me drinks and support me. I came here every day for back up and read simular stories as mine so I did not feel alone.
If you want a sponsor find yourself a AA group nearby?


What a huge step you’ve made with this post! You are in a great community of people who all want the same thing- none of us want to do this alone either. Meeting would be a great start too and where you will find a sponsor. Keep coming back here too. Read the posts. Comment. Be active. You are so not alone.


It’s darn near impossible to do this alone. What have you tried to do to support your sobriety? AA is where you will find all that you asked for in your post. Keep us updated. Rooting for you.


Hi :raising_hand_woman:

IV been where you are, IV felt for you feel what helped me get through my first 30 days was living on this zoom meeting, it never ends it’s going 24/7.
If you haven’t heard of it or tried it i would say log onto this there’s is help there as well as here for you maybe try the online meeting when I have bad urges to use helps to listen to others experiences, I personally join with my audio and camera off and no one knows I’m there and I listen, it really brings things into perspective and is so Powerfull.

It’s called the 24 hour marathon meeting, the code is:


There is also a woman’s only meeting if you prefer :


Going to meetings would be the right thing in your situation.

Here are more suggestions:

Resources for our recovery


That is absolute horse crap! YES YOU CAN!

i would get extremly active here…its a great first step. If you crave come here. If you are bored, come here. Bed day, come here!

You deserve a clean and sober life…and everyone here wants to help you!


Agree with those saying meetings, definitely helps with structure and support


You can do whatever you like! That voice telling you you cant is a liar. Try giving Allen Cars easy way a read or listen it was a game changer for me


If you believe you can’t, you won’t. There’s certainty in can’t.

If you think you can, you might. There’s possibility in can.

The fact that you were able to stay sober for 3 weeks, demonstrates that you can. Seek more: maybe meetings or therapy. Even the best players do better with coaching. Seek out a sponsor or at minimum, an accountability partner.