I "can't" STOP!

I can’t stop after just 1 glass of beer. I know no one is putting a gun to my head but I am refilling my glass over and over and convince myself it’s fine. Even when I’m starting to feel tipsy and it’s only 4pm, even when I feel too drunk. I drink until I can’t drink anymore. I go to bed too late, drunk, I have a hangover EVERY single morning and I keep telling myself every morning: today I’m not going to drink that much, just 2 or so and you will be fine… but I keep doing it, for probably the past 10 years. And I’m fed up with it, with myself, I must be stronger than this? I’m not giving it all I got in my marriage, school, work. I’m ashamed of myself. I have bruises for bumping into things the night before but don’t remember, now I’m limping and I don’t know what happened. I like to think I’m better than this and I want to be better. I want to succeed in school which I know I can, I want to be someone my husband is proud of, I want my energy back. I need help. I feel like a blobfish and want to go back to feeling more wonderwoman :wink:


Ditto on the blob fish Wonder woman thing k feel you there.

Isn’t insane how your head will convince you to just have a couple. Then you have a couple and just keep on going. I have this issue too.

I started feeling pretty helpless lately like I “can’t” stop either.

I’m going to keep trying and I hope you don’t give up either.


You capture exactly my struggles as well. Just replace beer with wine. I have been yoyo drinking for some time now with slower periods typically following guilt or remorse for the previous heavy drinking patterns. I decided today to quit completely. I downloaded the Sober Time app and am hopeful that I can do this. I know you can too. Stay strong.

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Keep trying! If your heart is in it your mind will follow. In the beginning it may not be easy, you may just have to force yourself to forgo the liqour store and just stop completely. I have a binging problem when i do drink on the weekends- one is not enough. This seems like it applies to your life too. Maybe talk with your husband and let him know that you are on the path to change. Having a partner be supportive and understanding while you work through this is invaluable. Best of luck, and I’m here to talk if you need to :heart:


@Star that was me! Every single weekend I would get black out wasted on fire ball and bud light. Finally after one crazy weekend at the beach and I completely stopped because it was scaring me how I wouldn’t remember anything from the night before. I have stopped drinking, I’m on day 23 and will continue to give up drinking until I can control myself. It worked for me maybe it’ll work for you too :slight_smile:


You have just described me to a t. Almost exactly. We can do this!!


Thank you everyone for sharing your stories and letting me know I’m not alone and I can do this! :heart: :heart: Instead of thinking about wanting to change I have to just DO it! I don’t want to show my bad sides anymore, seriously, my husband has the world’s most patience. I wouldn’t have marry me the way I am right now. He drinks as well, but not such a huge amount as I do and he DOES know when to stop, I rarely see him drunk. I just drink till I pass out. Wrong, wrong, wrong. I’ve said so many times “Today I’m going to change this behaviour!” And then I don’t… Let’s hope this time it will work for me by putting in more effort and show I am so much more than a freaking blobfish! =)

Okay sorry, I’m ranting today. It’s the first time I’m actually really mad at myself instead of making excuses and feeling sorry for myself. Maybe this change of perspective will make it more likely for me to succeed this time.


That’s the danger with drinking, when you drink you’re more likely to say “ok, one more” --> multiple times…

We can do this, stay strong!

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@Livy I like that “If your heart in in it your mind will follow”. Thank you!! :heart:

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You’ll find plenty of support here @Star. You can do it!

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Wow, it’s like I’m reading my life. Seriously, same. Once I had that first one it was goodbye day, see ya tomorrow sanity!

There were a few times I could be good and stop at a reasonable amount, but those times were rare. I guess that’s why they say