I could cry

Sober muscles are most definitely a thing and you my friend are gaining them every day you abstain from the addiction.
I know for me I had to change up my routines and keep my mind and body busy at all times (i’m sure you have no trouble with that with a 5 year old at home).

I try to see this disease as a blessing (as crazy as that sounds) cause otherwise I may have continued to slowly poison myself in the name of “having fun”. Now we are finding ourselves, learning to live life without the pink cloud and haze and heal ourselves inside and out.

Everyone has a different timeline on how long the withdrawals take and how long it takes to re-wire the brain so you don’t crave alcohol as your go to substance when you need escape. Just know that it does not last forever. You are healing now which you would not be able to do if you were drinking so that is a win.
Stay strong my friend – you are doing great :muscle:


You are experiencing being uncomfortable for a few seconds or minutes, not latching onto it with thoughts that it will be like this forever, getting through to the other side and getting on with your business.

Discomfort won’t last very long and it is tolerable. That’s changing the old catastrophic thinking and/or the old impulse to immediately fix it. We shrink from pain and grasp after pleasure. That’s human. And alcoholics are just like everyone else, only more so.


:100:, couldn’t agree more!

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