I could cry

I’m 2 weeks sober today. Feeling good for the 1st time in 2 weeks. I was very sick the last 2 weeks, some of it was detoxing then I had a terrible cold and spinning feeling. I’m not sure was it all drink withdrawal but my mind is really fighting me tonight. How am I going to win this. I could cry I thought I had it beat but the craving has hit me like a tone of bricks, it’s because I’m feeling good. I have dinner on and will eat. I was hoping to go to work and get a few hours done in the evening… I know if I do that I will pick up drink. It’s because I am now feeling I can achieve anything… endless energy… it’s all fake its like a system my mind and body have set up to get me drinking…


It’s going to be ok. Hang in there. Stay on here with us. :people_hugging:


Oh god I’m at my work now. We sell wine. My plan is 15 mins to pick up paperwork and leave…


Oh my yes I can see where that would be very difficult early in. You can definitely do this! Good plan.

Oh my god!! I’m home. I did it. Here comes day 15. This is though


Nicely done! Congrats on that tough hurdle. You got this :facepunch:t2:


I knew you could! Nice work!


Proud of you 🩷


Well done! You made it through.
I am also 15 days today :grinning:


That really is a huge accomplishment. I hope you take time to give yourself credit for it… also, i would consider trying to get a new job, i dont think i would even survive now, being 5 years AF if i had that job lol. Great work, keep it going :+1:


Thanks so much everyone. I’m safe in bed. I can not believe I made it. So looking forward to tomorrow. Being able to drive safely and getting stuff done. I’ll need to plan that I stay home most evenings for now until I can overpower the voice in my head. Thank you so much… your words really did help. Xx


Wow, it’s nice to hear from you.


Come back on here when it’s tough mate accountability is really important xx

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Congratulations on your 2 weeks! Sorry that pesky addiction is haunting you. How did you make out yesterday?
We are here with you…lean on the community when you feel the strong urges. You are not alone. Not picking up that first one is key.:people_hugging::muscle:t4:

Just read that you made it to bed safely and sober …be proud of yourself! That’s an amazing accomplishment


Thank you. The worst cravings today. I spent all afternoon fighting them. I got through but the skin of my teeth. I’m not sure I can keep this up. It consumed every second… i had myself convinced i could just get one bottle. I exhausted all this constant fighting. Will the day come when it’s gone…

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I’m sorry the day was so hard. It most definitely will get easier. Everytime you resist the urges and find another way to cope with the stress is a moment win and sober muscles gained.

I spent so much time here reading the threads and checking in on the Checking in daily to maintain focus #69. Thread Or practicing gratitude to change up my mindset on the Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7 thread…

Do not give in - just think that getting through today means you or that much further from day 1. I do hope you start to feel better soon :pray:t4:

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I love that “sober muscles”. I thought about this group, I thought about being sick, I thought about how good I felt today, I thought is it really fun drinking on my own, I thought about my 5year old and not being around for him, I thought about waking up and enjoying breakfast and then I felt very mad that I have a drink problem. I got home as quick as I could. As I put the key in the door the thought this will happen again tomorrow… I really hope sober muscles is true. It does make sense. I do r
emember listening to a woman on a podcast before saying it took her a year.


Nice to see you’re still on here too. I hope all is well


Wow, cool to read this thread and see it ended in success! ODAAT!!! :heart:

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Check out and join our gratitude list @LadyHatt you’ve got really good insight into the things you want don’t want and the things you have in life . By being grateful and reading others gratitude helps me enormously and keeps me humble :+1:

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