I cried today

Today I just broke down. I allowed myself to address the feelings and issues I’ve been suppressing and just allowed myself and hour to go through them and get the out on paper. Things have been rough with my family and as I wrote out my feelings I cried in frustration and in pain, but for once when I was done crying the internal anguish went away. It has been such a long time since I’ve felt good after crying. Now I sit on the front porch sipping some ice cold water and watching the sunset. My issues may not be banished for good, but at least I have a moment of peace in which I thank God for.


thats awesome to hear. thanks for sharing. i hope many more moments of peace come your way.


Sometimes a good cry is exactly what the doctor ordered. I find that writing down what I’m going through helps, cleanses the soul. Glad it helped you find peace.

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That’s so lovely, I struggle myself to let go I’m a bottler of all feelings but I find in recovery holding them in just keep us sick share the feelings so they loose there power, great to read.


I know that was painful, but it was worth it to get to the place of peace where you are right now! You should feel amazing.

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This getting sober and dealing with all these feelings now has turned me into an emotional roller coaster. I’ve had a couple of good cries just this week after a year and a half sober. I do enjoy the emotional release of these cries. Sometimes, mostly on my walks a particular song comes on and out of nowhere I’m balling. I have to admit, sometimes I’m getting tired of it. Maybe I should also put some stuff down in writing to maybe help me deal better with my feelings. It’s hard to explain. But I do know it’s better than sticking those feelings in a bottle and waiting for them to explode. And then drinking again to start a vicious cycle.


Honestly…I kind of love crying! I had days like that in the beginning of my sobriety where it would catch me off guard and I would break down so completely. Now I have a favorite album to cry to and I go for a walk with that as my full intention.


Crying is a huge release. So cathartic. I wish I could cry more. The rare times I’ve cried since being sober have not been easy, but I handled in a healthy way and slept like a rock after releasing all that energy. I’m grateful to have this community to share with.


You’re not alone. Blessed are thy tears :pray:t2:


@Cottontail I guess you had a good relief. I am still longing to mourn certain things but still I am blocked


Well done! Crying is hard sometimes and embracing the power of a good cry is cathartic!


Thank you for sharing. I needed to read this today. I am so grateful when others are vulnerable and share these things. When I do, it takes away a lot of the power that my fears and my addiction have over me. It lets someone else know that they are not alone and that it is ok. And almost certainly a friend sits down with me for a little while.

(I’m going on 20 minutes now, but the tears have shifted from the sorrow of loss to tears of happy times, remembered.)


It’s a truly amazing thing to be able to feel again. I’m very new still in recovery but even with the pain some of these feelings bring… I’m grateful for them and I’m so proud of you for letting yourself feel things that you needed to feel and end with a weight lifted. That’s a blessing and you’re surrounded with love and support. So if at anytime there is a feeling that you don’t understand what to do with I’m always here. I’m the queen unfortunately of burying every feeling that hurts and now I’m slowly dealing with them with ever single day that passes. Keep your head high and smile it looks good on ya :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart: