I didn't make it

The one thing all sober people have in common is that they never gave up. With determination you can do it. A toddler succeeds at walking because it picks itself up each time it falls over.


You decided to get sober, and have chosen to resume. Stumbling is human, getting back up and keep going is strong. You’re strong, and by reaching out, you have a whole community backing you. I believe you’ll make it!

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Don’t think of it as starting over…11 days sober is still better than 11 days not. If that makes sense. One bad day doesn’t negate all the hard work you put into those 11 days and doesn’t earse all the positive benefits your body got from being sober for 11 days. It was just a bump in the road, one day, now continue on :slightly_smiling_face: you got this!


@Tracey it’s great that you are back right away and won’t give up. You can do this. Take it one day at a time! :pray:


It’s not pathetic at all, it’s a very addictive substance that we are bombarded with adverts for our entire lives!

I have found it very useful to build up something of a sobriety toolkit that I can try and use whenever it comes to almost pushing the “fuck it” button and having that first drink.

Podcasts are great, as you mentioned a bank holiday I assume you’re in the UK?
Check out Love Sober and Soberful podcasts. Over the Influence is another good UK based one.

Books are great too. Annie Grace’s this naked mind is great, as is Russel Brand’s Recovery.

Online AA meetings are also great. Check out intherooms.com for free online meetings held every other hour. You don’t have to talk in them, can just listen.

Build up as many things as you can, so next time you are faced with a drink, you can think back to one of your tools from your toolbox and get through it. At least, that’s what I do.

Try to be kind to yourself.


Thank you. The sober toolbox is definitely something I’m working on. Yes I’m in the UK so will check out those podcasts. You are all so helpful here, it’s great.

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Thanks for the podcast recommendations. I live in the US, but am really enjoying UK information on YouTube, so these podcasts I will have to check out!


There is a guy call Craig Beck who is big on YouTube stop drinking vids and think he has a podcast called the sober expert or something similar. Might be worth checking out for you too!


Come on @Tracey! Back up and at it :raised_hands:t2: …Together we can do this! I’m so glad you’re here with us and that you get to try again. Many don’t return from a relapse :pensive: remember why you’re doing this. Keep reaching out, we are here​:pray:t2::two_hearts:


I just checked it out. He has a hypnosis link for quitting alcohol. It’s for free. Sounds good. Will do it tonight. Thank you for this advice!

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I’m only on day 9 but on day 3 someone on here called me out for blaming other people- it hit hard and I very nearly left the app
I could see why that post (alcoholic vs heavy drinker) was triggering for you but it was also just someone else calling out for help
I guess what I’m trying to say is we are always going to come across things that make us think ‘screw it let’s have a drink’ and like the other guys say its about knowing what your triggers are
I went shopping yesterday too and everyone was buying alcohol for bank holiday Monday, my thought was at least I won’t get a hangover :rofl:
I’ve been trying to quit for 5 years so don’t beat yourself up for 1 day, positive thing is you recognise it and want to make your life more positive

Keep talking :facepunch::grin:


Look at it a different way its not that you haven’t made it, it’s just you haven’t made it just yet. perception and mindset is the key. Wish you all the best have faith in yourself.


I beleive that’s called scape goating

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I also think very early on in your journey your very confused and are crying out for help, being called out for what you doing wrong isn’t very helpful


Glad I could help :sunglasses: you got this!


How are you doing @Tracey? :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Aw thank you for asking. I’m not great to be honest, had another night of drinking. I’ve definitely lost my focus. I didn’t drink last night though. It’s a bastard and a complete mind fuck.


It really really is! Is there anything that’s particularly triggering you at the moment? I completely understand. I was so stuck on that loop and I honestly thought I would never break free. It really can be done lady… I just wonder why is it that you are turning back again? The addict voice is a total bastard but can be dimmed with work, it doesn’t have to be this way hun :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Thank you so much. I need to work on the tools that I’ve read about on here. I did have a plan of action, so I need to get my head back in it. I delayed resetting the counter again because I doubted I could do it. I’ve hit the reset now though.

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You can do it!!! The voice in your head can not physically make you pick up the drink. It’s just a voice! Empty your house of any booze. If you usually call to pick it up on your way home, drive a different way home! The first few days are the hardest but every time you don’t listen to the addict voice it get a little quieter. You are a good person and you deserve a calm, sober life. Come on here when you can. We are here to listen or just to read others stories. We all have had a day one. I’m wishing you all the strength in the world. It doesn’t have to be the way it is. :two_hearts: be gentle on yourself. Stay with us :pray:t2::two_hearts: