I don't feel good (trigger warning self harm)

I don’t feel good… Actually in the last days I felt really bad, I almost tried to drown myself (again haha). Anyway… I really need to cut I can’t help it, I feel like I’m going to die for the pain, it’s actually all emotional but I feel it physical as well, I really need to and I’m 99% sure I’m going to since my family is going to leave for 3/4 hours, I tried to do something else but it isn’t working.


Can you get all the blades away from you.
I don’t know your history but do your family know?
Ask them to take blades away.
You really need to get out of that space in your head.
You can do it, I remember the almost physical pain I went through stopping drinking. It really hurt.
But it doesn’t last forever.


Well, my parents know it because like 9 years ago school told them. Going home that day was hell, my mother slapped me and laughed at me, and always smirked when she noticed bandages, my father did nothing, guess he don’t care. Now that my mother abandoned me I don’t have to deal with her anymore but I can’t ask my father too ofc


I get you wanting to hurt to help with the pain! If the pain shows then its Real! Craziest thing ever that I haven’t thought about in years since probably your age is I use to cut too! So retarded now when I think about it. I’d find old glass on a walk and use it. My old scars I covered up with tattoos! As you get older and meet different people and have different experiences, your feelings change about the cutting! Its clear your hurting. I promise things get better. They just do!

My daughter used to cut. It was very hard for me to understand her need to do this.
I had to have an almost complete turn around in my concept of mental health.
My own journey is just a continuation of this.
Maybe your father’s attitude comes from his misunderstanding.


It is hard to feel that urge grow over days, and feel inevitable. In the short term distraction and replacement can work. But long-term u must get the therapy or counselling to get at what is making u want to do it in the first place.


@mirage I really doubt that your dad doesn,t care, it,s more likely that he just doesn,t know how to help or what to say, he probably fears saying the wrong thing and making things worse for you. There’s no way a dad doesn,t care about his baby doing something like cutting. Maybe have a talk with him about things that he can do to help you when you need it, I know that I I,t be easy but it will be worth it.
I think that @Jennajen had some good suggestions, would puttingan if pack on your neck bot help you to release some of the pressure that you feel inside.
Well done for reach out here that’s a big and important step. :slight_smile::slight_smile:

I think in most situations, parents do care and like u say, don’t know what to do. But there are situations where parents make it worse. I don’t mean to disrail the thread, but my mum once found a piece of paper on which I had written “I hate myself, I’m ugly, I’m stupid” and she just screamed at me “why are u trying to fucking worry me” and wasn’t concerned about what that meant about what her daughter was feeling. There are shitty parents out there. @mirage I really understand how betrayed and scared and ashamed u feel when ur parents aren’t the support u need. I also self-harm, cut when I was in my teens and twenties, and do things that don’t leave a scar now sometimes. Sh, like booze, does not solve anything, u have to slowly untangle the core issues. Hugs