I don't know 09

Portal changed. I was here few years ago, and the portal its different. Please someone help. I thought that I’m right. And since everything here on the site I lost job for 6 times I’m trying to stop my addiction. Someone please, talk. Just talk.

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Hey Ula, what’s going on? We’re all here…

Hi Ula. Tell us what’s going on. I read some of your posts and see that you went to rehab in 2018. How did that go? Did you stay sober? Are you working a program?

Hi there and welcome back, can I do anything for you?

Hi Ula, I’m sorry things are difficult for you right now. I hope you have a safe space to be at this time. Do you have food? Somewhere to sleep?

We are here for you if you have something to share. Myself I am in Canada, where we are staying home because of the COVID virus. How is it in Poland? Are you OK?

It is a beautiful sunny day for me now - here’s the view from my window:

What’s the weather like in Warsaw?


I’m sorry for long reply. But I was afraid. Thank you would run from me.
In real life I’m totally alone. I don’t have friend’s, colleagues or anything. I have just myself. I’m sorry for my message but it was during a panic attack. And still I need to talk.

Hey, how are you doing?