I don't usually say things like this on the internet

But I need to get some things out.
I’m sick of drinking. I’ve been thinking about quitting for a couple of weeks now. Last week I went on a stag night and drank till 9am the next day. This weekend I went to a festival and drank every minute I was awake. For four days. I’m nearly forty, got a family and I’ve just finished university but I carry on like a teenager.

Well I’m fucking sick of it. I’m sick of the lifestyle and the days wasted in bed while my family do stuff without me. Sick of being smashed around my children. I don’t want to feel ashamed any more.

I want to join society as a functioning member who raises their children properly. I want to feel physically and mentally fit again. Man, I wanna do boring shit like go to the supermarket on a Sunday morning and not have to worry about meeting anyone I know.

I spend so much time drinking, drunk or hungover. I’m a hypocrite though cause drunk people irritate the shit out of me. when I’m drunk I irritate the shit out of me. Well no more. I’m not an alcoholic any longer*. I’m a normal as fuck, ordinary guy who does shit to make his and other people’s lives better.

*Still an alcoholic, just not one who drinks booze. Hopefully!


Until tonight that is! Welcome to Talking Sober and welcome to your sobriety. You’re making the right decision here friend, reading what you’ve written. And you’ve come to a great place for getting and giving support, for gaining knowledge about alcohol, about addiction, about how to beat addiction.
Most important thing I learned from being here is that I can’t do it alone. We have to do it together. So I’m glad to have you aboard as together we are strong and the more the stronger we are. Welcome again, get yourself accustomed with this place, I’m wishing you all success in your sober journey!

PS. Some helpful info here:


Thanks so much! I appreciate this place already.


Welcome! I totally hear you. I was almost 40 when I quit. I felt the same, weak and tired, and messed up, just existing not living. And the constant guilt and worry of people noticing was eating me up.
What will u do to quit? There are good ‘quit lit’ books. I enjoyed Annie Grace’s This Naked Mind. A few guys on here recommend Alan Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Alcohol. They can help with focus and motivation, I think.


Welcome! It’s great to have you here. You don’t have to feel like shit anymore, you deserve to enjoy your life :blush:


Welcome, I just started my journey with sobriety as well. You took an important first step writing this

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Welcome! I too was sick and tired of being sick and tired. This place is amazing, stick around it helps to have people that are on the same path. :pray:t2::two_hearts: I wish you the very best.


Thanks for taking the time reply! I’m not bursting with strategies just yet but I feel good I was able to make the decision to quit. I’m binge watching this naked mind just now and Annie Grace is awesome. I was thinking about buying it but now you’ve convinced me so thanks!

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Thanks so much! It’s nice to feel less alone x

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I feel.less tired already x

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One day it’ll be easy as anything mate. Thanks for taking the time to reply x

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Glad you’re here and willing to work, so it sounds, on a happier & healthier you!

Meetings online & in person help and the best part of this walk is it’s done in daily bites. To say/think lifelong is oftentimes too menacing. Lots of stuff out there that helps.

Remember the electronic world can shit the bed at any time. And, we would all be forced to go back to pen & paper, so it’s a good idea to have more than one recovery support in place before it happens.

When we’re done, we are, and not a sip or hit sooner. So happy you’re here with us!

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Thanks for the suppprt! I’m a technophobe as it is so the last thing I’ll be doing is relying on technology x

It sure sounds like you are ready. And I bet it’s been longer than two weeks you’ve been thinking about it. Alcoholism is progressive and only gets worse. You say you want to be sober when you are feeling like dirt, but what happens when you feel great??? That was the trick my alcoholic brain pulled every time I thought “this time will be different”. You don’t have to make that mistake!! Work on sobriety and it’s gifts will reward you pretty quickly.

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I pray for all that and more for you and your family, miigwetch (thank you) for sharing!!