I dont want to drink this poison anymore

I have to have alcohol at night to sleep, at least that what my brain seems to think. My dr said my enzyme levels were elevated and Sugar was high because of the liquor. But yet I cant seem to stop even though its slowly taking its toll on me.


It can be challenging to break away from that habit and turning down that auto - pilot siren song. It is so worth it though.
There’s a ton of resources here and many people who are willing to chat /type when you need.
They gave me the advice to get active here, read & post & share.
It really does help when you need to get through those urges. :gift_heart:

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I thought the same thing. I have PTSD from the service. I would experience panic attacks before I went to sleep because of the nightmares. So, I drank to make my self black out.

Looking back, it didnt help.

When I quit drinking, and let myself process what I was feeling…I started to sleep better


I had to be drunk before I could sleep (more like pass out). I’d get to sleep so easy, but for me I would usually wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning with all the usuals - pounding heart, anxiety, dehydration - and lay there just waiting for the alarm to go off. That was a living nightmare! All that went away after a few weeks of not drinking. So, what I can tell you is just stop. Whatever it takes. Your mind and body will pay u back in spades!
U can do it.

Bye for now…


Yeah i had those also. Completely had the sweats, shakes & anxiety 3 am wakeups, finally back to sleep with a ton of melatonin out Tylenol pm, just to try to work and do it all over again. It sucked. I hope i never get that way again


:point_up: that’s my story, rough at first but I sleep great now with exercise or hard work.


I feel what your saying it was the same for me I dont miss the pounding heart and anxiety

I’m now type 2 diabetic because of my drinking. Have you had pancreatitus from drinking yet? If not, you will. Just a matter of time now.