I don't want to ruin my life anymore

My drinking is getting worse and worse… I’m taking more risks and ruining every single relationship I have for example my partner, family. So last month I got caught drink driving because I like the idiot scumbag I am got into my car as I was too scared to walk to the garage in the dark. I said after that I was never drinking again because being arrested I hated and I learned my lesson that night to never ever ever get in your car and for sure I would not ever do that again. But now I am buying myself extra drinks for at home so I know I won’t had to go out for me. I drank 2 litres of vodka in one whole day. for some that may seem like nothing but to me that means I’m not normal. I went home with my family as my partner has had enough of my drinking… I was supposed to be going home for a break (to my parents) but they’re big drinkers and I drunk too much and my whole family turned against me, I was talking alot of rubbish and being gobby (vile) But now they all absolutely hate me… I want to stop drinking for good. We don’t mix well. Where do I start? I don’t want to lose absolutely everything or what good am I?


Welcome Kaitlyn. First, I am sure they don’t hate you. They are probably just irritated at your behavior. That will pass.

If you continue to drink, it won’t get easier to quit. Trust me on this.

Start by absorbing as much information on this forum as possible. Read and post. Read and post. Make a plan, decide on a “program,” whether formal or informal. Decide on why this is important, including the things you already mentioned.

Start with that link. People will add on. I am glad you’re here!


Welcome Kaitlyn, to this great sober forum. Alcoholism is a progressive disease. It will keep getting worse. As Jéne said above.

You can start with today. I would personally Google AA meetings in my area and get to one as soon as possible. Be with people who have been where you are. You are not alone.
God Bless.


Thankyou so much for the reply. I have been drinking for 5 years and it’s slowly got worse and more. I am now going to be losing my licence on Friday and if I ever drink again my partner said he can no longer be with me which will make me homeless. My parents don’t want me there

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Hello and thankyou for the reply. I have just googled and I feel lucky as there is a meeting in my area which is handy as i’ll unfortunately no longer have my license, thankyou. I don’t want to destroy my life anymore.

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Here is a pretty good place. Be active here, participate, and be open to advice. Got a craving…talk to us. Got to vent…vent to us…wanna celebrate with a drink…come here and brag about what you are celebrating.

  1. take to heart that saying “No” to a craving will not kill you

  2. take to heart that just be cause some thing triggers you…you do not drink anymore.

  3. take to heart…it could be hard to say no in the beginning…but every time you do…it gets a little bit easier

  4. take to heart that as long as you do not pick up that very first drink…you will not drink another.


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Get a meeting meet new sober friends wish you well