I feel so sorry for this but

Truth. This isn’t a place exclusively for the sober. It’s for those trying to get sober, and trying to stay sober, especially during trying times.


i just wanted to say thank you to you all, your time and your advice really helped me through this day, you all really cheered me up and I’m really grateful :blue_heart:


I’m glad you are feeling better. You see. It really helps to talk here. We are all real people that are listening and responding. I like to come here although I can’t talk to you in person but here I meet like-minded people that understand me… My friends or family do not get my problem at all…
Another day in the pocket yay :wink:


Glad you are feeling better!!


Your post broke my heart. Who is to say who is or is not suited to sobriety. You deserve to be sober! :blue_heart: Please don’t give up! I want you to live. I know sobriety sucks and is hard and doesn’t always feel like it is worth it, but trust me it is! I’ve gone now 21 days without cutting and I’ll tell you it is hard! Sometimes I have those same thoughts, but I don’t listen to them. I would definitely take these wonderful people’s advice and find the support you need. We are here for you as well! You are never alone! :yellow_heart: Praying for you!


Someone told me to just get up and clean the house if I was stuck in my head. That seems to work for me. There’s nothing like clean sheets and a tidy kitchen. Sounds simple, but it helps me. That, and trying to do something for other people. :unicorn:


How ya doing today?

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thanks for asking… well now I’m not fine nor sad… something in between I guess :sweat_smile:


I know that stage well. Just a part of life’s cycle, I guess.