Currently in the hardest stage… I have no support and im doing it all alone. Everyone all around me is still living that lifestyle. I dont know what to do. I feel stuck in a deep dark rutt… Negative thoughts are taking over and i just want to not feel.
Hi, i want you to know you have the strength to get through this, i want you to know from experience i know these feelings are temporary and do not last forever, although you may feel alone we are all here for you. We are all today standing next to you to help you through. Im glad you reached out. Dont suffer in silence
Can you get to a meeting ? Even online ?
I need to try. I dont know of any in my area unfortunately but thank you so much for your kind words. The little things when you feel like your alone and you get alittpe reassurance🙌🏻
Im not sure what your drug of choice is ?
If its alcohol which is mine, this is the code for the 24hr AA online zoom meeting:
292 371 2604
You can keep your audio and camera off and just listen in, no one will even know you are there. 24 hours its available.
I use it all the time, i hope i can be of some help, you are doing really well i read your a week today so congratulations for that, that is a great achievement and it does get easier.
Keep reaching out, your doing great especially as you mention your environment isnt helping
You got this. You have to find a better way to live. It might mean rethinking everything. And that is okay.
Play the tape forward if you give in - it doesn’t end well, does it? Read as much as you can about addiction. Stick around these forums as much as you can. Remove bad situations and temptations from your life.
You got this.
We are definitely here for you. Even clicking around this site and knowing that others feel or have felt the same way you do and have overcome can be a powerful motivator. Keep reaching out and you will get support.
May i suggest typing in the search bar things that relate to your situation and see what pops up, there is alot to read on here. Hope you start feeling better and if you dont let us know so we can help you through those moments.