I feel tired. 25 days sober

Week 1: Detox, felt terrible. Anxiety, restless nights, and very sweaty.

Week 2: Feeling alot better, more energy, more productive.

Week 3: Feeling great! Extreme energy, can’t stop running errands, doing side jobs, got a new job, working the program great.

Week 4: Loss of energy, still no desire to drink, kinda out of it, brain fog, sleeping very well though, still productive, not much desire to read the big book chapters 7-9 I find uninteresting, can’t find my big book now.

I can't figure out where this energy dump is coming from. I feel a little coudy and my mind seems to be somewhere else. Maybe hormones. Like my seritonin levels are out of wack. 

 I went to a friends house last night to watch boxing. I could smell the booze in the room which was kinda new. The only sober guy there which didn't bother me. But I was still out of it. Uninterested in conversation. 

 I just want to feel like I did in week 3. I want that get up back in my step. It's almost like a hangover feeling for lack of a better description. I know I can't be the only one who has had this expierience.

One of our long time forum members posted a great video about the stages of recovery that you may find helpful. Here’s the link.


I’d love to see this video but unfortunately when I click on it it says unavailable

Oh shoot! Let me see if I can find it on you tube and post it here for you.


Here it is. I watched it last year and it really helped me to understand the different stages.


This video helped me to gain a lot more understanding earlier on in my journey, it’s well worth a look. Very informative :+1: great share @Lisa07 thank you! :pray:t2::two_hearts:


This is brilliant!! I’ve saved it on YouTube. Thank you so much! X

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