I finally made it to 30!

I’m SO elated today. These past few days my mind was telling me all kinds of lies, but I pushed through. Please tell me it gets easier. Now that I have this milestone, I feel like it will motivate me even more to keep working the program. My head is clearer, my sleep is so much better, even my time on the throne is back to normal. One day at a time, one day at a time!


Congrats :tada: on your 30 days! Life is better sober for sure. It does get easier. Keep it simple, one day at time.


Hell yeah!! Congratulations on your 1 month milestone and you should be super proud!! Keep working on your recovery :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:


Good for you! That’s awesome :star_struck: :innocent:


That’s great!
I’m not 30 days yet but feeling so much better!
Keep on keeping on!


What app is that you’re using to track your progress? :innocent:&:smiling_imp:

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Congratulations :clap:t2::tada::clap:t2: Keep going!

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Congratulations on 30 days! It’s so worth it.

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Congrats on 30 days!!!
Quitting, the hardest part, is behind you.
This first 30 days are still very raw.
I’m proud of you. Keep it up! It does get easier. :smiley:


Congrats on 30 days :sunflower:

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Congratulations! :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: 30 days is fantastic! :pray:t2::heart:

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Well done buddy, I fell off again. Keep it up.

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Hey friend. We have all been there and I’m not too far past those times that I don’t remember. It is literally one day at a time, my friend. I’m struggling tonight myself. It’s literally every day a battle and I just want to get to the next one. I’m here for you anytime you need to talk.

Stay :muscle: @Mariposa426 @Sparkygator you can do it. Just get to your pillow sober tonight! Tomorrow morning you will happy you did!

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I didn’t I’m sorry to say. Am going to the shop in a minute. Shame on my weaknesses

Don’t go to the shop. Can you try to just take today sober?

@Mariposa426!!! Awesome, girl!! Well done! Super congrats!! Big Hugh! And thanks to share it! Is always a motivation for all of us! Your success is our success too! A lot of :two_hearts:


Great job! Day 2 for me…no weed!

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