I find it easier to quit without pressure from others

Doing well at the moment, thanks Whitenoise. Yesterday I was able to practice mindfulness throughout the day at various times which kept the cravings away. Today I plan to initiate some yoga into my life.

How are you?


Glad to hear that :innocent: I am good :+1: Was able to get a hour of cardio in today and felt great! Got up and got my car detailed this morning and throughly cleaned my place … Know it might sound a lil silly but feel almost like I washed away the booze. Feels nice… Second sober weekend and feeling proud of myself and proud of you :clap:


Welcome to the community @SolarEclipse
We started all the nonsense at a similar age. It is so true that recovery needs to be for us. I tried to stop many times to please other people and failed. It is when we feel it in our soul that we have the greatest chance of success. As well as having a great community like this, full of support.
Hope to see you around on here :blush:


I was the exact same way. No one was gonna make me quit. I didn’t even have a problem :clown_face: First DWI at 21 and I treated it like a joke. Every one I knew got one and were just like “join the club!” 3 months later, without a license, I totaled my car in a tree. Did I stop drinking? No! I walked to the bars, duh. 2nd DWI (2 felony counts) at 30, still didn’t want to quit. You think I’m an alcoholic?! I’ll show you an alcoholic. They gave me an alcohol ankle monitor for 6 months so I started using drugs that cleared my system quickly. And the day it came off, without a beat, my first stop was the liquor store. For the next 6 months I had to calculate what I ingested in order to start my car, bc of the breathalyzer. Never got caught and was released from probation early. $10,000+ later and I still drove drunk! Its a miracle I never got caught again. It took a lengthy spiral of depression and the realization that I was killing myself to finally get ‘the want’ to stop drinking.

Thanks for sharing. It’s nice to know that no matter what you say here, there’s someone who has been where you’ve been. Felt how you’ve felt. We’re stronger together :muscle: Glad to have you aboard :grin:


Sometimes I see the world in patterns.

Number 63 got his 369 goal and the team now has 69 points!!!


Thanks for sharing. You’ve been on quite the journey! Some people do best when they feel they have total control of their life and choices. I am similar. I’ve constantly heard that it is useful to tell people your goals, but I’ve personally found that keeping my goals close to the chest has been much more helpful.

I’m glad to hear you’re doing so well and I look forward to you sharing more of your success here in the forum.


My sister called me last night to see how I am. We had a nice chat, and lots of laughter as usual between us. At one point she asked how I am doing without alcohol. Whether I intend to continue to abstain once dry January ids over. She is also doing dry January.

I really do not respond well to such questions from non alcoholics. I dont think they understand my need for ODAAT. I told her that today I am happy to not be drinking. I have not made that decision for tomorrow, or February. I think she got the picture that I would not discuss long term commitment.

Anyway, my family is there for me, and I am grateful for that.



Thanks for sharing your story. I’ve had a similar change as well, in previous recovery attempts I realize I was doing it more for others than myself, and more focused on pleasing them and checking the boxes than starting with myself and letting my intuition and higher power show me what I needed to take each next step forward. One of the results of this change is I have absolutely no desire to consume alcohol or any substance, and am focused on healing myself and getting healthy again. Glad you are here :star2:


Tough day, woke up at 11 AM and started thinking about a drink. Felt like I was wearing a heavy backpack full of beers. If I drank some it would feel lighter. My stress would chill the flock out. But checking in here reminded me of how to get through this right now. Thank you team sober!!!


I’m usually a share everything, an open book.

But like others, this time I am keeping close to chest with telling people beyond dry January (that I started a few days late).
My wife, son, mom, sister and best bud (who’s also a non drinker) know, but that’s it.
No grand posts to social media.
Feels much more this time it’s about me. I feel much less pressure this time, and may let people know as opportunity presents itself, but I doubt via social media.

Second period puck drop, brrrr

Stay warm everyone.


Awesome afternoon for me. Had an end of day staff meeting, sometimes they can be boring. Today was interesting though because half way through, all the colors got brighter, and peoples faces became clearer to me. It was quite intense. Yeah Day 29


Nope, my sister did not get the picture. She just texted me asking if I was planning to be sober in February. That triggered me. ODAAT is what I got.

I don’t know how to nicely tell people, and make it stick, that I don’t want to discuss my current relationship to alcohol (except with the TS crew)


“ I don’t want to discuss my current relationship to alcohol ”

“ I don’t want to discuss my relationship to alcohol”

“I don’t want to discuss alcohol”

Congrats on each day free! ODAAT

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Super rough day. My boss asked if I was doing ok first thing, my co workers stole my coffee and my students made a big deal about how I look, It all related to the sister trigger.


Just bumped into your thread by chance Solar and it was a great read.
Congratulations on your sober time.
I’m sorry you’re having a rough day. May doing a little breathing session like Menno posted above. That what helps me a lot when I’m tensed and triggered.

Let your sister know that you don’t want to discuss the issue anymore. I’ve got the feeling she means it in the best way but I guess she doesn’t have a clue how much it pushes you into the wrong direction if that makes sense.

Take a deep breath Solar! You’re doing great man! Be proud of yourself :pray:

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welp. lost all control. gave away my reality to distress


I pushed the depression button… WHY?

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Hey, are you alright? What happened?


I am South of OK but North of Cancer. Thanks TB. I will check in here when able



If you cant find the problem, you are the problem