I forgot that I was sober in a dream

What a weird dream! This is the 3rd dream with this thing that I have. Someone offers me a drink or whatever, I drink it and then I realize afterwards that I drank and I’m pissed because I forgot that I was sober.

In this one I was pissed when I realized I was feeling tipsy. Damn I was so mad at me. I was telling myself that it didn’t count as a reset of my soberiety because I forgot I wasnt drinking anymore :smile: :smile: :smile:

I think I’m actually afraid of myself, and more importantly afraid of that part of myself that can just start using and forget my will and who I want to be.

We are everything and every parts of our dreams because we create it. So I believe I’m pretty mad about a part of me that has been forgetting to take care of myself and using. Because I’m also that part who can get wasted without seeing it coming.

I know there’s a lot of threads like that, just didn’t find one quickly and wanted to share. Have a great day guys!



My inclination is to say don’t be mad at yourself. While obviously aspects of yourself is definitely crying out to drink, I think your dreams are your subconscious working out those inner demons, playing out those bad scenarios. Personally, I think you should be glad that you did it in a fictional way rather than out in a real bar/pub. I don’t mean that in a YOU SHOULD BE GLAD kind of sense, just, hey, you didn’t actually drink, you know? I ironically enough just awoke from a very Shakespearian dream of my own in which I used, among other oddly weird and vivid ways. I woke up feeling guilty about it, but damn, here I am, sober :joy: thank God.

Keep strong. You’re doing great.


You’re right I’m totally glad it wasn’t true.

It happened again last night. I was in a sort of party, was already drunk and I was looking for more booze. I found wine and remember asking myself if that was too many mixes of alcool on top of it. I just told myself “whatever” and drank by the bottle. I remember looking around and seeing people I know judging me.

This morning is rough it’s weird.

Like you say, I think I have to take that weird feeling that I have as an opportunity to realize that it’s not real, that I’m doing actually really pretty good … anyways still hope it stops lol

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I have dreams like this too. I dont want to reset my counter!

Reset your counter because of dreams or saying the dreams will lead you to drink?
I stopped crack and co-dependence more than six months ago,I have dreams every night,every night involving drugs.
I haven’t reset anything,I’ve had a lot of money at multiple times, food stamps,I got an apartment, I went shopping, I bought groceries.Dreams are a part of getting sober.
Now the crazy thing is I recently stopped extra sugar in my diet,last night I happened, in a dream to be along on a drug deal.
A gangster gave me a new type of candy bar and it was mother***** tasty!
So now my sugar cravings are showing up there to,that is what your mind will do to you,you can get through it,I believe.


Drinking dreams used to scare and depress me, because I thought it meant that my mind would always be wanting to drink. I never thought of it as my subconscious showing me the negative repercussions (there are always negative repercussions in my drinking dreams) of drinking because it’s trying to help me stay sober.

Good job brain!



Its like our mind is getting something our brain was used to desire for so long, that now that it’s not there it’s the only way to get it.

I’m kinda happy actually it’s only happening in there !

I dreamt of drinking last night also and in my dream I felt terrible because I was going to have to hit the reset. I am so grateful that it was a dream and not real life. I’m looking at it as reinforcement of not drinking because I felt so bad in my dream. Imagine how I would feel if it were real life?