I fucked up... rant

I had 40 days under my belt…and I used today, at first I didn’t care about being sober cuz I’m a teenager and i party u know weed and drink but that’s nothing (not saying drinking or smoking isn’t bad) I know i have a problem now because after i stop using fucking crack I realized who got me into this fucked up place, an old “friend”, long story short she’s a fucked up person and got me fucked up and blamed me! not saying i don’t blame myself cuz i do!. But after i cut her out and meth etc. Life around me started to get better and i was happy but today i fucked up and I’m praying I can get sober again. Fuck meth! and fuck that girl! I was perfectly fine with my lil weed and my life before her! Moral of the story is don’t be friends with fucked up people!! But i know i got this. Good luck and God Bless to all of those who relapsed and who still have their days and to me.

  • <3

Well you cant blame your friend for YOU getting high. As much as you want to be mad at her, really you have to blame yourself. I see that you are a teenager? How old are you? This place is great to seek help and meet others to help support you in your sobriety. But you have to start taking responsibility for what YOU are doing and quit blaming other people. You will never learn that way. You can come out of this. It seems horrible bc you are high or maybe even coming down? Idk. But you will overcome this if YOU put in the work to live a sober life. Delete her number. Honestly, delete your FB and Instagram and whatever other social media you have besides this app. Get rid of the negativity in your life. You are so young. I wish i realized i had a problem when i was a teenager, but i didnt. Im 34 now living a sober life and i wouldnt have it sny other way. You can do this.


Your decisions are soley yours. I quit meth 13 months ago and purposely let my roommates get high in my room to make sure I could say “no” by doing that I haven’t had a craving since. However. I don’t recommend that unless you have an armoured mind.
My only recommendation is to take extreme ownership over your life, hold yourself accountable. Learn from this experience and change.



It would probably be best to get rid of all the drugs. Because one can and does lead to the other. Your a teenager, I know how I was at that age… I felt invincible!
Well done on realising that there is a problem. You can, at an early age, start to look at your life and see where you want to take it. Because, ultimately, you make your own future. Every choice is yours to take!


Yea dont talk to her dont contacr her delete all dealers numbers. You probably still like to moke weed but its also addictive, if youre quitting meth etc. Right now it would be smarter to stop weed for now too, or else its likely youre trading one addiction for another and thats not as fun as a weed addict ma think. Total sobriety should be the goal then after a long sober period you might think about weed again. Much strength!


Or you might just realise that a life without drugs is a better life.
No being funny, I wouldn’t change anything I’ve done in the past, apart from maybe realising I had a problem earlier. but if you’re having these thoughts now it would probably be best to create a life drug/alcohol free future.
Sit down now and, with the knowledge and experience you have, play the two different scenarios through.
One, where you will end up, if you continue this lifestyle.
Two, where you could be, if you change your circumstances.
I do sometimes wish that someone had said something similar to me 30 years ago, but hey, I probably wouldn’t have listened. I was too busy getting high!:grinning:


Yea, weed is dangerous and addictive behavior rarely stops at different substances. No matter what, the sober life is always the best life. I have heard of what would happen but I didnt listen cuz getting high was my only priority. Now I know and I will never go back


Thanks, I’m 16.

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I just wanna say i don’t smoke weed on the regular, i wouldn’t consider myself a stoner. I do like to get high with my buddy’s on occasion. Trust me I could never be addicted to grass, matter of fact sometimes I don’t even like being high. But weed does help my anxiety and depression. And I’ve never thought (while smoking) “ i need something stronger”. I’m super analytical and just think of everything, I’m way stronger than i seem. I know everyone always says “ I’m not gonna get addicted” but I’m deadass serious weed. ain’t. shit. I legit haven’t smoked in weeks.

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Well personally, and this is my own opinion so no back lashes here people, i see nothing wrong with smoking weed. It is helping so many people cope with diff things in their lives. I smoke too. But if it has been weeks since you smoked just dont pick it back up. 16 huh? You should really talk to a parent, sibling, school counselor? Do you go to school? I wish i had the courage to admit i had a problem when i was your age, but when i was your age i didnt even know i had a problem. You really should read posts on this app. Get familiar with people. Ask Qs. Take advice. Actual listen and put it into action. We are here for you!


Always remember this!


All I am going to say to this is “never say never”. I’m not going to say “you’re wrong, you need to quit weed too or else you aren’t sober”. Nope. BUT BUT BUT, I am going to say that I also thought I could never be addicted to alcohol. I’m sure most of us never thought we would be addicted to anything. So, I’m just going to tell you to keep aware. There are people here who ARE addicted to weed so it can be addictive. Look for the signs. You know what it is like to be addicted so keep an eye out for those feelings with respect to weed.

Stay safe. (And lose that friend…she’s no good for you!!)