I got triggered, relapsed and feel awful rn

I’m going to start using the quotes too I think because I really didn’t do anything either so it’s tough to say I relapsed if I never really committed

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I know I have used the nomenclature of relapse and quit cycle to describe my years of drinking and stopping in early sobriety. Perhaps using relapse in the wrong way. As it was not a time I was fully committed or capable of getting sober. Good food for thought.

Where I stand right now at 855 days if I relapsed would I consider that a part of my recovery process? Idk Would I appreciate someone suggesting that? I doubt it. Would I understand that it happens? Yes.

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That shame and guilt means you’re still in the fight. I’m grateful that you have another day to start over. I will pray for you continuously.


I believe relapse to neither recovery or active addiction; its a process of its own and it doesn’t just happen, there’s always a build up.

I’ve relapsed twice and it was a gradual build up of not being prepared and not being committed. The signs were there before I actually used again.


I think that:

One: Relapse is part of the struggle of recovery, and the struggle is real.

Two: Debating this topic is not really going to help @Jay6 right now.

Jay, you were doing good and your sober time still happened, you didn’t lose that. Thank you for having the courage to share, very few do. You’ve been there before and you know how to get there again. I wish you well friend.


Thank you!

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I hope you finding telling your therapist will help. Starting in a group will help. I couldnt recover alone. It took a group of people and their support to help me. We are here, reach out for us before you reach for a drink.

I feel ok. I have the day off which is nice, and im keeping busy. Cleaning my room, went on a walk, had a nice breakfast this morning. Just keeping myself occupied and doing my damn best not to use


Good to hear!

I’m glad to hear this. Keep it up and make sure you speak up if you’re feeling unsure.


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@Jay6 Take care and good luck, keep us posted- the support and accountability of sharing my challenges with others helped me string together my longest chain of days yet, compared to keeping it to myself :slight_smile: It goes easier if we share the pain, and the triumphs, small and large. You can create the life you want, keep working, forgive yourself, and try not to think too far ahead just yet :slight_smile:


Thank you for being understanding and thoughtful. :pray:


U haven’t failed to succeed until u fail to carry on trying!!

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